Happy Thanksgiving, Dear Brothers

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 24, 2016


This year, let’s remember how not sorry we are that our granddaddies killed the Indians. Sometimes they did it in self-defense, and other times they did it for lulz: both of these fit all definitions of “justifiable homicide.”

Happy Thanksgiving.

This year, I am thankful for Donald Trump.

I am thankful for the tears he has caused.

I am thankful for New Balance shoes, which are comfortable, fashionable and made in America.

I am thankful for synthwave tunes.

I am thankful for roast beef.

I am thankful for Robert Heinlein.

I am thankful for all types of sausages (excluding chicken sausages, which in fact are not even real sausages imho).

I’m thankful for my team here at the Daily Stormer and the Troll Army.

I am thankful for 1980s action movies.

I am thankful for my friends, both IRL and in the tubes.

Most of all, I am thankful for my family and the fact that I have the best job in the world – which is both the funnest job in the world and the most important.

Hail Victory.

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