Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2014

They said I was going too far. They said I was too hardcore. They said I needed to tone it down.
They said I would never gain a wide audience by calling out the filthy Jew for what he is.
They were wrong.
Today, Daily Stormer surpassed Yale Graduate Jared Taylor’s kosher White news site AmRen in the rankings, proving that people can handle the whole truth, and desire it above all else.

Please note that AmRen is a site very similar to Daily Stormer, in that it posts daily news items from a White perspective. Thus, a comparison of rank is appropriate.
We are now just 6 months old, and American Renaissance is the website of what was once a printed magazine that was launched in 1990.
I do not post these numbers to gloat (well, maybe just a little bit), but to show that the ideas we are pushing on this site are popular. People do not want to be lied to about Jews, and told some goofy fantasy about how the real problem is the blacks and immigrants, when the obvious reality is that there wouldn’t be any blacks or immigrants in America or Europe if it was not for the diabolical Jewish parasite.
Jared Taylor includes Jews in his conferences, and even the ADL has praised him for always trying his best to be inclusive of the Jews.
From the ADL website:
Taylor eschews anti-Semitism. Seeing Jews as white, greatly influential and the “conscience of society,” Taylor rather seeks to partner with Jews who share his views on race and racial diversity. Four out of the 10 speakers at the initial American Renaissance conference in 1994 were Jews, including Michael Levin, a racist professor at the City University of New York and author of Why Race Matters, and Rabbi Mayer Shiller, then head of the Yeshiva University High School for Boys in New York. Jews have been speakers and/or participants at all eight American Renaissance conferences.
Michael Levin is a regular Jew contributor to AmRen, and has defended torture and critiqued Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and said that Scrooge was good.
Even David Duke, nice guy that he is, has been forced to call Taylor out on his philo-semitism.
Here is a video of Taylor saying that Jews are White people.
I do not, necessarily, wish to attack Taylor. I certainly would not attack him as a person, and he has done quite a bit of work which I believe to be valuable. However, I cannot stand by as he makes the absurd claim that “Jews are White and our allies” while it only takes a person 7 or so minutes of Googling around to find out that if it wasn’t for the Jew, we would have almost zero non-Whites in America.
Donations Appreciated
As the site continues to rise in popularity and influence, I continue to work full-time (double full-time, really) on the site, and the server costs are continuing to rise. So anything you are able to donate always helps. If you are not able to donate, don’t worry about it. And don’t stress. I will figure it out.
For those wondering, I use donation money first for the servers, and then to pay myself a modest salary. Mainly, this is restricted to food, travel and lodging, as I don’t really do much else. I surely do not live a decadent lifestyle.
Right now, I cannot imagine anything more important that I could be doing than working on this site, and do not want the requirement of fulfilling my basic financial needs to ever get in the way of this.
Cash can go here:
Andrew Anglin
6827 N. High Street, Suite 121
Worthington, Ohio
My greatest thanks to all those who donate. And to those who do not donate, I thank you for supporting our site, and spreading the word.
I also want to thank my team here at DS: Ben, Clement and Sven, along with all of those who have contributed original material to the site (we’re always taking submission, by the way).
Things are going very well, brothers and sisters.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin
January 16, 2014