Kevin MacDonald
Occidental Observer
January 2, 2016
It is a cause of some celebration that Harold Meyerson has been dropped as a columnist from The Washington Post. Of course, it wasn’t because of his animosity toward White America — the reason given is that he wasn’t attracting readers. But perhaps the predominantly White WAPO readership tired of him because of a sense that people like Meyerson definitely do not have their interests at heart. Here’s a 2013 column that quotes some of Meyerson’s more egregious anti-White comments. Obviously, it’s a marker of Jewish power that a Jewish person can be so positive about the eclipse of White, Christian America in a very public venue and without any fear that there will be a backlash against him.

Pat Buchanan asks “Does the South Belong in the Union?” Like Buchanan, I have noticed a lot of liberal angst that the Supreme Court removed the requirement that any change in voting requirements be approved by the Justice Department. Buchanan points his pen at Harold Myerson, the White-hating columnist of The Washington Post.
Consider Wednesday’s offering by Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson. The South, he writes, is the home of “so-called right-to-work laws” and hostility to the union shop, undergirded by “the virulent racism of the white Southern establishment,” a place where a “right-wing antipathy toward workers’ rights” is pandemic. …
Were a conservative to use the term “black” as a slur the way Meyerson spits out the word “white,” he would be finished at the Post. Meyerson’s summation:
“If the federal government wants to build a fence that keeps the United States safe from the danger of lower wages and poverty and their attendant ills — and the all-round fruitcakery of the right-wing white South — it should build that fence from Norfolk to Dallas. There is nothing wrong with a fence as long as you put it in the right place.”
Meyerson’s hatred for the White South is not at all surprising. He also hates the White North, East, and West. Here’s a quote from one of Meyerson’s previous articles.
The GOP’s last best hope remains identity politics. In a year when the Democrats have an African American presidential nominee, the Republicans now more than ever are the white folks’ party, the party that delays the advent of our multicultural future, the party of the American past. Republican conventions have long been bastions of de facto Caucasian exclusivity, but coming right after the diversity of Denver, this year’s GOP convention is almost shockingly — un-Americanly — white. Long term, this whiteness is a huge problem. This year, however, whiteness is the only way Republicans cling to power. If the election is about the economy, they’re cooked — and their silence this week on nearly all things economic means that they know it. (see here)
Virtually by definition, the multicultural future will have identity politics—just not for Whites if Meyerson has his way.
Buchanan also notes that “Harold looks forward to the day that a surging Latino population forces ‘epochal political change’ on a detestable white South.” Right. Meyerson was particularly thrilled by the 2012 election results from California, greeting the non-White political surge:
There are many ways to illustrate the descent of the California Republican Party into oblivion. A starting point is the demographic breakdown of the members of Congress elected last week in the state.
Assuming the leaders in the few remaining close races hold their leads, there will be 38 Democrats and 15 Republicans representing California in Congress come January. Of those 38 Democrats, 18 are women, nine are Latinos, five are Asian Americans, three are African Americans, four are Jews and at least one is gay. Just 12 are white men. Of the 15 Republicans, on the other hand, all are white men — not a woman, let alone a member of a racial minority or a Jew, among them.
The composition of the state’s new Democratic congressional delegation merely reflects the state’s demographic changes. Latinos (72% of whom backed Obama) were 23% of the California electorate in 2012, up from 18% in 2008. The share of Asian voters (who voted for Obama at a 79% rate) doubled, from 6% to 12%, between those two elections. Voters under 30 increased their share of state ballots cast from 20% in 2008 to 27% in 2012, and backed Obama at a 71% rate. The state’s proportion of white voters, meanwhile, fell from 65% in 2004 to 63% in 2008 to just 55% last week. (CA to GOP: Adios)
Notice that Meyerson does not classify Jews with Whites. Would that Harvard did the same. Pretty clearly, Meyerson as a Jew, does not idenify with White America.
Let’s face it. Meyerson is getting his way. The cultural left is on a roll, although, of course, for the activists like the SPLC, there is much more to be done. Even the immigration bill as passed by the Senate (which will add north of 30 million non-White Americans) is woefully inadequate and much more needs to be done (translation: keep the money flowing).
It’s hard not to be depressed about a White resurgence given that such sentiments can be found in the elite media and that organizations like the SPLC are lavishly funded and highly networked among American elites (while managing to sound like an oppressed minority).