Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2015

Jews behave in curious ways, at least to those who don’t understand the crux of their greater agenda. On the one hand, we have entities like Emma Sulkowicz and Sabrina Rubin Erdely inventing rape hoaxes to terrorize and demonize white college men, and yet on the other, we have a genuine systematic problem of universities, sports leagues, Jewish media, and jock strap sniffing local cuck police covering up the epidemic of black athletes sexually assaulting freshman students, after years of being prepped by Judah for the occasion by the likes of MTV and feminist dyke Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird.

The college campus is indeed a dangerous place for young men and women, not because the former is raping the latter, but instead because one is vulnerable to the predations of Jewish entrapment or Talmudic false witness, while the other risks getting Cosby’d in the female quest for status.
But in this new half truth (or lie) making rounds after being published first in the Harvard Crimson, the Judeo-feminist agenda of redefining rape is presented in a colorful retelling by Sephardic Jew Viviana I. Maymi. Maymi’s account goes back to 2013, where she went out to party alone with a man who had previously shown unrequited sexual interest, got black-out drunk, and, in a fleeting moment of sobriety, later realized she was having sex with this homely man at his dorm.

While sober, she “pushed him off” (translation: the alleged “rapist” let her leave), which unleashed a series of events where she was running around the Harvard dorms fully naked until blacking out again. The next thing she remembers is waking up in a strangers dorm, perfectly safe, after making a drunken and irresponsible commotion. If a man was frantically running around the Harvard dorms naked and trashed, he would’ve woken up to tasers, blue and red lights bouncing off the wall, and a couple of pending felonies–the privileges patriarchy get you.
But missing from her piece is any mention of a police report, in fact, she herself admits she doesn’t exactly remember what happened. Nonetheless, in her mind, penalizing men for “drunken hookups” is the solution to “campus sexual assault”, and that men who themselves have a sexual encounter with a willing woman that is also under the influence are guilty of rape because it “feels” right. The self-proclaimed “strong” and “powerful” woman, in other words, suggests that women ought to have the adult right to drink alcohol, but none of the grown-up responsibilities that come with it.

Maymi’s angle here is obvious: draconian California style “yes means yes” laws that place the burden of proof on men wrongly accused of rape, all while real sexual assaults are enabled by the same Jews utilizing blacks, to the tune of 40,000 white women per year. The ultimate goal is to make every man a rapist (all sex is rape, the Andrea Dworkin definition of heterosexual intercourse) until proven innocent (except for blacks), and plant more seeds of confusion and contradiction in the Gentile host society.
In light of this revision of the definition of rape, men must begin to come forward with their own stories as well. Have you ever downed a few, taken a blowie from a fat chick, and then felt disgusted with yourself afterwards? How many of you married men out there have gotten divorce papers from your victim-shaming wives after being taken advantage of after gorging on free shots at the pub?
Share your rape story below, the Daily Stormer will soon be offering counseling services to help us overcome together.
Eric Striker (@Pr0tocolsrReal) is an anti-Semitic extremist, and regularly writes for TradYouth.