Hate Crime Charges Possible for Black Who Hate-Murdered Three Whites While Yelling “Allah”!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 19, 2017

Okay, so there are going to be federal hate crimes charges.

What I want to know is, why are they not discussing charging him with terrorism?

Based on everything we know about this case, it is the exact same thing that happened in New York with the James Jackson sword attack – except it’s three times worse, because three rather than one person died – and James Jackson is being charged with terrorism.

Also, though I’m not going to argue that this was some kind of ISIS thing, as this guy was following Negro prison Islam as opposed to normal Islam, he did yell “Allah Akbar” – so there’s that too.

And yet no call for terror charges.

The police even announced it has “nothing to do with terrorism.”

How on earth can anyone not see this glaring double standard?


A man fatally shot three people in less than two minutes in what police in Fresno, California, are calling a hate crime.

The three victims from the shooting rampage Tuesday were white, and apparently chosen at random, police said. The suspect, Kori Ali Muhammad, 39, is black.

Muhammad had posted on social media a dislike for white people and government officials, Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer said. He also yelled “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) when he was arrested Tuesday, officials said.

“We do not believe … that this is a terrorist-related crime,” Dyer told reporters. “This is solely based on race.”
The FBI is assisting in the investigation.

The shootings started around 10:45 a.m. local time.

Muhammad fired 16 rounds within 60 to 90 seconds, Dyer said.

A 34-year-old PG&E truck passenger and two other men — a 37-year-old and a 58-year-old — in downtown Fresno, were shot, Dyer said. Two of the victims were near Catholic Charities and were clients of the social services agency, he said.
The slain men are believed to have had no connection to Muhammad.

Muhammad is also accused of firing at a 59-year-old white man coming out of a house, but he missed, the police chief said.

We need to force these scumbags in charge to follow their own rules.

We need to demand that he fact that exact same charges as James Jackson.

We also need to demand that he get the exact same amount of non-stop media coverage that James Jackson got.

Jackson was the top story for weeks on end, and is still being reported non-stop.

We also need to find out what websites he read – maybe he was an ardent reader of the SPLC’s Hatewatch, for instance.

What else could have inspired him to hate like this?