Haters and Traitors

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 2, 2016

The Golden One makes a good point here in responding to people attacking him for dancing in a gay pride parade.

This guy was a male model and was hired to dance in a gay pride parade years ago, before he was even active in politics or understood things. And people say “OH WELL FOUND THIS OUT THAT DISQUALIFIES YOU NOW YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING EVER AGAIN EVER.”

What is the point of this?

Well, you have a group of people on the internet that don’t care about solving problems. They care about having a group and playing little games. As such, they view anyone actually trying to win as a threat to their game-playing.

These people are a huge threat, whatever their intent.

The best way to avoid allowing them influence is to form groups IRL.

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