HBO Cancels Jew Jon Stewart Liebowitz’ Show

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2017

Jon Liebowitz is seriously like the last popular figure that the left has.

Like, literally.

Him and Obama.

Which is why Obama is being sent out to stalk Trump across Europe.

I think this show’s cancelation might be due to bigger plans. This whole cartoon idea was dumb anyway.


Jon Stewart and HBO have decided not to proceed with their highly anticipated animation project that they’ve been teasing for what seems like forever. According to the New York Times, the two will still be moving forward with future projects, but HBO has indeed confirmed that the animation series will never see the light of day.

The network brought the former “Daily Show” host on in November 2015 to create “digital shorts” that would be featured on the digital apps the network provides including “HBO Now” and “HBO Go.” The two have agreed to step away from the project following complications with its execution, though Stewart’s four-year deal with HBO is still in place.

“HBO and Jon Stewart have decided not to proceed with a short form digital animated project,” the network’s statement reads. “We all thought the project had great potential, but there were technical issues in terms of production and distribution that proved too difficult given the quick turnaround and topical nature of the material. We’re excited to report that we have some future projects together, which you will be hearing about in the near future.”

If the project had stayed on its initial track, the animated series would have been available for quite some time by now (the original target was to debut it in time for the 2016 election.)

If I were the Democrats, I’d be pushing Liebowitz for 2020.

Not even joking.

He is literally the only figure that makes any sense at all.

Or who knows. Maybe they’re planning on losing in 2020 and saving him for 2024.

He’s only 54.

But honestly, this is a serious question:

Are there any popular figures in the Democrat party other than Liebowitz and Obama?

I can’t think of anyone.

There isn’t even anyone they could build up into something.

Maybe that spic-kike LA Mayor, but how do you go from Mayor to President?

This is why you’re seeing serious articles come out like “well what about The Rock tho?”

I’ve said and will stick to a Booker/Warren ticket.

They basically have to run a woman, to prove a point, and they know they can’t win without a magic negro. But Booker isn’t anywhere near as magic as Obama.

But Yeah.

I will be 100% not surprised if Liebowitz enters some political operation in the next six months.

Did you also know women think he’s handsome?

My grandma used to watch the show, back when it was just silly-fun in the mid-00s (before it got too gross) – she obviously disagreed strongly with his politics, but just thought he was funny, plus the 11 o’clock spot he was on didn’t have many competitors at the time – and she told me she thought he was handsome and I said “how can he be handsome, he’s a Jew?” and she was like “are you sure? I’ve never seen any Jews looked like that.”

And I mean, she was 80-year-old at the time, so she’s not into modern conceptions of “handsome.” And she wasn’t senile.

I think women actually think he’s handsome.