He Who Controls the Memes Controls the Universe

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2017


The universe runs on memes.

He who controls the memes controls the universe.

What are memes? 

Memes are condensed pieces of information, concepts tied to imagery. They trigger emotions connected to a series of abstractions which collectively form the accepted definitions of reality.

All societies are formed by memes and the manipulation of memes are the only means of changing a society. Memes can be manipulated in various ways, most simply by force meming. Force meming requires force. If one does not have force and wishes to undermine the memes of a society in order to transform that society he must work with existing memes and redefine them, thus redirecting the energy within them.

Memes cannot be rationally argued with. 

Everything around you is a result of the mass mind, and the functions of the mass mind are driven by memes.

The system has implanted a lattice of programming within the mass mind, and this lattice can be hacked through input systems. The input system is memes.

The system does not have very good memes, they simply have the necessary concentrated power to force meme the memes that they do have.

“Russian hacking” is the best fresh meme that the system presently has. The underlying meme is “racism.”

Somehow, the Daily Stormer (+4chan posters) is the only nonstate entity which has systematized the hacking of memes, the hijacking of the input system. Instead, everyone else is attempting to argue with the existing memes.

Yesterday, I was critical of the chant that was used at the Charlottesville flash demo.

That chant was:

“Russia is our friend, the South will rise again.”

The reason I was critical is that this is bad memes. This cannot be used to input information into the lattice of the mass mind. Automatically, the existing system will reject both of these memes.

Existing meme is “Russia is bad.” You cannot replace that with “Russia is good” just by saying it.

Memeable options:

  • Connect things that have been done to us by our government that we do not like with Russia. No Russian ever: flooded my country with foreigners/forced homosexuality on my children/outlawed prayer in my schools/etc.
  • Highlight shared values between the average American and the average Russian.

Existing meme is “Southern is evil (racist).” You cannot replace that with “South will take revenge on you.”

Memeable options:

  • Connect Southern identity to the whole of historic American identity by pointing out that Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are next on the chopping block.

Personally, I do not think that Russia or the South should have been the focus of this weekends demo. These are both unpopular topics, both fronts at which the mass mind of our people is under a sustained attack.

Instead, the focus should have been on the fact that Christopher Cantwell is in jail, denied bond, for self-defensive mace. Political oppression and political prisoners are things that is extremely unpopular, particularly in America, and very easy buttons to push. Rallying around a martyr is also extremely good for the morale of the troops, while a foreign country and a 150 year old failed revolution are much less moving rallying points.

Stuff Happens

I am not bothered by this misstep. I do not expect that everyone has an intuitive understanding of what is happening. And I do not expect people who do not have an intuitive understanding of what is happening to maximize the efficency of their activism, however well-meaning they may be.

But it does need to be pointed out. Because it is very, very important.

There are several types of viable meme input for us to use, one of which is system shock. This is where Nazi memes fit. Nazi memes are good memes and successful memes. These directly question underlying processes of the mass mind lattice, forcing base-level reassessment in a certain portion of the population.

Base-level reassessment can lead to a manual rewiring by the individual. However, that has now peaked. Everyone capable of re-wiring has already done so.

Now, we must directly attack and infect the existing memetic structure of the mass mind. Full frontal assault on the definitions of our fundamental group identity.

What that means is grabbing the memes that have been used by the enemy and repurposing them to our own ends.

The Most Powerful Meme

Throughout all of human history, there is a meme which stands out as the most powerful of all.

It’s this one:

That is the meme that conquered and subdued the entire planet.

That is the meme that killed Adolf Hitler, possibly the most powerful individual human being who ever lived. Certainly the most powerful since Genghis Khan.

That meme is the most powerful meme because the greatest of our ancestors created it, and imbued it with an energy unmatched by any other meme. Imbued in it is the entire concept of Western civilization, back to Ancient Rome and Greece.

The meme of America represents freedom for the individual and the collective movement of civilization. It is representative of the shared blood heritage of the European race. It also represents brute force: bullets and rockets.

It represents the collected manifestations of White Power.

And every living man on the planet knows that.

Our ancient blood enemies stole this meme from us, and used it against us. The hardwiring of our mass mind was subverted, all of our collected energy was redirected to the purposes of our blood enemy.

But now: now we have entered a period when this blood enemy can no longer accomplish his own ends by using this meme.

Nationalism in all forms is now considered negative, and so it is being destroyed. With nationalism must be destroyed the most powerful national flag.

The plan is to collapse the meme in on itself. To finish it off by turning it towards the final destruction of the people who created it.

What that means is that we can pick up the meme and run with it. We can make it mean what we want it to mean. They are throwing it at us, and all we have to do is catch it.

We can unite the people by grabbing this symbol and reestablishing its initial definition.

We can claim the mantle of the real America.

And we must.

All that we have worked for was leading up to this moment in time.

We pick up the gun and we pull the trigger.

America is ours.

We fought for it, we bled for it, it belongs to us – from sea to shining sea.

And we are taking back every single inch of it.

Hail Victory.