Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 6, 2015

There are a lot of goyim out there who are literally so stupid that they cannot grasp that the more people you have in your country, the richer your country is.
Sure, goyim. I know a billion dollars in free health care sounds like a lot. But that billion is a fraction of the amount these 2 million illegal Mexicans will spend at Walmart, meaning it is a net gain. Because how rich a country is is not based on how poor you are, as an individual, pathetic stupid goy, but on the amount of money that gets spent.
Extending state-subsidized healthcare coverage to people in the country illegally could cost California as much as $740 million annually, according to a Senate fiscal analysis released Monday.
The report affixes a price tag to the proposal for the first time since Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) introduced his bill last December.
Researchers at UC Berkeley and UCLA estimate that, in California, about 1.8 million people who are in the country illegally lack healthcare coverage. Around 1.5 million of them would qualify for Medi-Cal.
The analysis lays out two scenarios to calculate the proposal’s cost. Under the status quo, the increase in Medi-Cal spending would range from $280 million to $740 million annually. The report estimates that between 50-60% of eligible immigrants would enroll in the healthcare program.
The report also examines how President Obama’s recent executive order offering deportation relief to certain immigrants would affect the measure’s cost. If the order — currently on hold due to a court injunction — is upheld, around 900,000 immigrants in the state would qualify, according to the analysis, and would be eligible for Medi-Cal and other state programs.
Of course, these numbers are always, always low-ball estimates. The reality is that it will probably be three times this. But both Democrats and Republicans are going to go on TV and tell you immigration is “good for the economy” because these leeches are spending money at Wal-Mart. And that increases the GDP. Which means, somehow, that even as you get poorer supporting these parasites with the sweat of your brow, you are actually richer than ever before, and everything is wonderful now.
Do you remember this gay-ass pop song from the 90s?
If you do, you’re a fag.
Anyway, it should be the theme song of getting invaded by hostile, parasitical brown people.
Because they just make everything better, these brown people. It is a never-ending party, being invaded and conquered by evolutionary throwbacks.
Before, when White people had their own countries, everything was complete crap.