Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 25, 2015

Many years ago, critics of Elvis “the Pelvis” Presley’s then-provocative dance warned of a slippery slope. Jews dismissed and mocked them as paranoid puritans, and Elvis was comparatively innocent, but one look at contemporary “pop culture” vindicates the critics many times over.
The same applies to the larger sexual revolution that popular culture functions as a spearhead for. Organized queer’s Jewish benefactors have succeeded in “normalizing” the rectum-aficionados into a protected class, where critics are mercilessly suppressed by means of gavel, capital, media, and state. Abject conservative failure in protecting Western civilization from out and out sexual depravity has now drawn a bridge over the “dangerous” moat of popular disapproval, paving the way for other hated perverts as originally planned. The pedophiles are trying to cross, and the Jews are trying every angle in their power to help them get across safely in some shape or form, after being forced into retreat during the first Jewish-led sexual revolution in the 1960‘s.

Recently, big box store Party City has come under Zyklon-B for its line of “sexy” Halloween costumes aimed at pre-pubescent and “tween” girls. Of course, where there’s smoke, there’s Jews (no pun), and the CEO of Party City is a New York Jew capitalist named Gerald (Gerry) C. Rittenberg, who refuses to stop fervently advertising these affronting and inappropriate costumes.

So far, Party City’s line up has been criticized by parents nation-wide. Of course, the criticisms start with common sense, but even the opposition to the sexualization of little girls is being given a Jewish spin.
Yahoo Parenting decided to speak on behalf of the concerned citizens by putting the issue into “perspective” and largely glossing over the creeping sexualization of our kids. The “critical” article solicited “experts” such as Robyn (((Silverman))) who argue that the costumes are bad, not because they dress toddlers up as strippers, but because they supposedly represent gender differences, and should be replaced by “gender neutral” costumes instead. Jews up, down , left and right, how do you like your “free press”, Goyim?
One “mommy blogger,” Cultural Marxist pink-haired state-within-a-state (if we’re measuring by physical mass) Cecily Kellogg has written an obscene article also featured on Yahoo (we need “diverse” perspectives in our mainstream media, Goyim) actually applauding the sexualization of her young daughter. The article begins:
It’s Halloween season again. So far, my nine-year-old daughter with heavy tween tendencies has wanted to be a broken porcelain doll, a Cheshire Cat girl, and a Galaxy Cat. I’m rooting for the Cheshire Cat girl, personally. All of these costumes will likely involve either a short skirt or dress-over leggings, or just leggings and a shirt.
This already starts questionably, but rationalization you’d expect from a NAMBLA pamphlet creeps into Kellogg’s piece shortly after:
Because of more abundant food, sexual maturity now happens earlier, and the concept of the sexually mature but “growing child” of adolescence was created.
So basically, you’ve got sexually mature humans forced to live under a newly-constructed definition of “child” and behave accordingly. This conflicts with every signal they’re getting from their own bodies.

Kellogg is lying. While children are hitting puberty earlier in America for demographic reasons, girls are not hitting puberty significantly earlier than in the past. The average age caucasian girls begin to menstruate is 13, not 9, not 10, not 11, as Kellogg implies. The reason girls at these pre-pubescent ages may begin to imitate sexual behaviors is not out of organic desire, but rather due to the influences of the society around them and lack of responsible parenting, as in the case of the degenerate blogger.
Furthermore, the slower mental development of tweens and teenagers, compared to the past (when life expectancies were shorter and responsibilities for this age group were greater), creates a cocktail in which a 9 or 10 (or even 13 or 14) year old girl dressing and behaving in an exaggerated sexual fashion can have significantly adverse psychological consequences. Of course, Jews promoting child and “tween” sexuality know this–that’s why they insist on it in the first place.
Towards the end, Kellogg writes in respects to her own 9 year old:
In a year or two I might wince a bit if she decides to wear a “hoochie” short skirt as part of her costume and suggest she wears leggings to keep warm, but I’m not going to tell her she’s wrong for wanting to experiment with looking pretty and, yes, even sexy — because she’s just being being a normal kid.
It’s a testament to our own failure as Aryan men that we have not overcome and built a society where neglectful parents like Cecily Kellogg have their children taken away and put in a normal home.
Then again, Cecily may just be letting her excitement for Halloween get the best of her common sense. Halloween’s not for another two weeks, yet she’s already wearing her Shrek mask:
If you don’t care about our race, if you don’t care about our culture, at least get involved so we can protect childhood from the vile kike and the semi-retarded sycophants he plugs into his amplifiers. When it comes to a voice for the silent majority, us “Nazis,” at this point, are the only game in town.
We’re coming, Jew.