Heeb-Hype Candidate Beto is Totally Gone Already Because No One Cared

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 13, 2019

Beto doing strange body language in front of a waterfall.

Beto has officially collapsed.

The Guardian’s Ed Pilkington – who is British – just can’t seem to wrap his head around how this went down.

Why won’t “the bloody yanks” embrace this amazing candidate???

The Guardian:

Like Houdini, O’Rourke has gone from front of stage to a puff of smoke in six short months. #Betomania morphed into #Betofatigue, seemingly overnight.

Look back on the events of 7 November 2018, when he delivered his concession speech, having lost to Cruz in a packed sports stadium in El Paso, and you can see the contrast. At that time he was lauded as the politician who could do the impossible: challenge a virulent Republican like Ted Cruz in a solid red state like Texas and come within an inch of victory.

Next stop Donald Trump? But from the moment he launched his presidential bid in March, he has been struggling. Those very qualities that had been the recipe of his relative success in Texas suddenly became liabilities.

His charming ways and good looks were thrown back in his face as white privilege. That wasn’t helped when he gave Vanity Fair a gift of a one-liner on the eve of launch – “Man, I’m just born to be in it” – that made many Democrats wince.

The mere decision to run for the White House was interpreted as chutzpah. As the Daily Beast cruelly put it: “Reacting to losing to Ted Cruz by running for president is like failing to land a role in a community theater production and deciding to take your talents to Broadway.”

In the latest poll from Quinnipiac university, O’Rourke is drawing a glum 5% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters. He is being outgunned on 10% by Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has stolen much of his thunder.

We’ve seen Mayor Pete take the lad in the newcomer department,” said Quinnipiac’s Peter Brown who predicted worse to come. “We’ve got 18 months to go and I bet there will be other fresh faces taking the spotlight.”

I don’t usually comment on typos in other people’s essays, because I make more than enough of them myself, but “Mayor Pete taking a lad” is like a Freudian slip of the finger. I know I wouldn’t leave a lad around Mayor Peter, for fear that he’d take him.

His charming ways and good looks were thrown back in his face as white privilege. That wasn’t helped when he gave Vanity Fair a gift of a one-liner on the eve of launch – “Man, I’m just born to be in it” – that made many Democrats wince.

The mere decision to run for the White House was interpreted as chutzpah. As the Daily Beast cruelly put it: “Reacting to losing to Ted Cruz by running for president is like failing to land a role in a community theater production and deciding to take your talents to Broadway.”

In the latest poll from Quinnipiac university, O’Rourke is drawing a glum 5% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters. He is being outgunned on 10% by Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has stolen much of his thunder.

“We’ve seen Mayor Pete take the lad in the newcomer department,” said Quinnipiac’s Peter Brown who predicted worse to come. “We’ve got 18 months to go and I bet there will be other fresh faces taking the spotlight.”

So what happens next to O’Rourke now that the spotlight has swung away from him? Can he complete the Houdini trick and make a reappearance? And if he can, what kind of potential president would he present to the American people?

This unnecessarily long article goes on to list off excuses as to why Beto is failing so badly to get anyone to care about him.

But none of the excuses listed are things that someone couldn’t overcome. He couldn’t overcome these things because he sucks. That is the bottom line. He is just a totally shitty candidate.

The main reason that this Guardian writer and everyone else I’ve seen comment on his failure give for his failure is that he’s white and being attacked for being white. It’s very funny for the media to roll out with “yeah but it’s not his fault he’s white.” But in actual reality, both of the top two candidates, Biden and Sanders – who are ahead of everyone else by a lot – are white (or perceived as white).

Pete Buttigieg, who is probably in third place and who Pilkington accuses of stealing Beto’s thunder, is also white.

It is an actual point of fact that being white and male is a clear benefit in the Democrat primary. Everyone who is underperforming in the polls (except Beto) is nonwhite, a woman or both.

What the Brit doesn’t bother to mention is the way Beto waves his arms around when he talks. That makes a much, much bigger impression than Sean Hannity making fun of him for something he did in high school.

His face is also fucked up looking and he talks like a complete spastic.

The fact that a British person looks at this guy and is like “he would be such a great candidate, why have Americans rejected him” makes me proud to be American.

Moreover, the fact that Democrats put so much into Beto and thought he was going to be this star player shows that the Jews who run the Democrat Party are just as disconnected from the American people as the British.