Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 1, 2016
Crazy-ass bitch!
Cruzman Sachs’ ugly slut wife has called him out as an infiltrating alien force.
At a campaign stop in Indiana, the mentally ill banker slut said: “Ted is an immigrant.”
This is the last nail.
We have been unifying this party. Five of those 17 candidates have endorsed our campaign. And different parts of the party. We’ve been unifying fiscal conservatives. Evangelicals. Young people. Do you know that Ted has been winning the millennial vote in state after state? He’s been winning the women’s vote in state after state. Ted is an immigrant. He is Hispanic. He can unify this party. We have libertarians joining our cause. I have people everyday from the Democrat party telling that they have re-registered to vote for Ted as a Republican because they understand what he stands for and he represents American values.
I’m not sure why she did this. It’s being framed as a “whoops!” moment, but I have to suspect that she indeed has a hatred for the man which is much deeper-rooted than even Trump supporters are capable of comprehending.
She obviously hates America and wishes to see it destroyed, but perhaps her hated for Ted is even stronger. Perhaps she was just waiting for the “kick him in the face” moment.
Either that, or she’s having some kind of mental breakdown.
She does have a history of severe mental illness and derangement.
I’ll show you a green eggs an ham, you psycho bitch!
But the emphasis she puts on the word “is” in the sentence “Ted is an immigrant” shows that it wasn’t just some accident.
It’s over, Ted.
Go home.
To Canada or Cuba, we don’t care.
We just want you the hell out of our country.