WARNING: This post contains disgusting imagery which is not appropriate for children, old people or the infirm; though technically it is nothing worse than what is now shown on prime-time television.
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2014

A chap sent me a link to a photoset from a Canadian “club promotional organization,” which shows the depths of depravity to which Western society has sunk in a way that words never could.
We have raised a doomed generation. Religion is gone, history is gone, art and philosophy are gone – the new image of man is one of a stimulation machine, designed merely to experience physical pleasure when not experiencing the physical agony of being forced to do things it doesn’t want to do. It does not wish to be uncomfortable, but realizes it must be, and so compensates through decadence and depravity which would make the Whores of Babylon blush pink as popsickles.
But there will be a body of youth, a body which becomes the backlash, which rises above and demands the world change because it desires it to change. These Young Lions will rise up and breath fire and burn down the each and every idol built to Mammon and Asmodeus.

In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you –
Ye are many – they are few.
And blood shall flow through the streets of Babylon, when hair is rent and tears fall like rain.
And at that time, these young men will become the New Man.
Because what you will see below is now the norm. And it is not redeemable, save through blood and fire.
This is one party. All of these people together. The Whites, surrounded by these subhumans, have taken on their behavioral traits.
You invited the beast into your home, and the beast did what beasts do.
Judgement Day cometh now, ye men, for ye have forgotten the face of your father.
May God have Mercy on us all.