Henceforth, August 9th is Darren Wilson Day

Stuff Black People Don’t Like
August 9, 2015

“The basis of all morality is duty, a concept with the same relation to group that self-interest has to individual. Nobody preached duty to these kids in a way they could understand — that is, with a spanking. But the society they were in told them endlessly about their ‘rights.’ “The results should have been predictable, since a human being has no natural rights of any nature.” – Starship Troopers

Why is Michael Brown being remembered at all today? Were he gunned down by another black (as virtually every homicide/non-fatal shooting is committed by a black person against another black), not one person outside of his immediate family would know his name.
Darren Wilson, who did his duty on August 9th, 2014, is in hiding (knowing the death threats against himself and his family are real); Michael Brown, who tried to kill Officer Wilson, is openly lauded and celebrated
Darren Wilson, who did his duty on August 9th, 2014, is in hiding (knowing the death threats against himself and his family are real); Michael Brown, who tried to kill Officer Wilson, is openly lauded and celebrated

But because Darren Wilson defended himself on August 9th, 2014 on Canfield Drive and didn’t allow Michael Brown to take his life, Wilson is an outcast to society.  [The Man Who Shot Michael Brown, The New Yorker, by Jake Halpern, August 10, 2015]:

Darren Wilson, the former police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown, an eighteen-year-old African-American, in Ferguson, Missouri, has been living for several months on a nondescript dead-end street on the outskirts of St. Louis. Most of the nearby houses are clad in vinyl siding; there are no sidewalks, and few cars around. Wilson, who is twenty-nine, started receiving death threats not long after the incident, in which Brown was killed in the street shortly after robbing a convenience store. Although Wilson recently bought the house, his name is not on the deed, and only a few friends know where he lives. He and his wife, Barb, who is thirty-seven, and also a former Ferguson cop, rarely linger in the front yard. Because of such precautions, Wilson has been leading a very quiet life.

At one point, I asked Wilson if he missed walking outside and going to restaurants. He told me that he still ate out, but only at certain places. “We try to go somewhere—how do I say this correctly?—with like-minded individuals,” he said. “You know. Where it’s not a mixing pot.”Wilson has received several thousand letters from supporters, and he has written thank-you notes to almost all of his correspondents. Many of the letters are from police officers. Some are from kids. One card reads, “Thanks for protecting us!” Wilson proudly showed me a drawer, in his living room, which contained dozens of police-department patches from cops expressing their support. None of those cops, however, had offered him a job.

Meanwhile, in broad day light in Ferguson…[Mike Brown Family Had Section of Road Dug Up Where He Died – Asphalt Given to Family, TheGateWayPundit.com, by Jim Hoft, August 2, 2015]:

After Wednesday’s removal of the stuffed animal memorial to Michael Brown Jr., a plaque and a dove were embedded in the sidewalk on Canfield Drive on Thursday morning. But observers also saw a crew of workers digging up the street where Brown actually fell and died after being shot multiple times by former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

This was done at the request of the family, which was given the largest pieces of the asphalt to take home with them.

“A lot of it was real crumbly. We got most of the big pieces,” says Louis Head, Brown’s stepfather. “That was good enough for us.”

Had Michael Brown killed Officer Wilson, would he be a bigger hero to the black community then he is in death?

On this August 9th, 2014, let’s remember the one-year anniversary of Darren Wilson successfully upholding not just the law, but preventing a black thug from taking his life with a poem (derided by Socially Justice Warrior everywhere):

There once was a thug named Brown,Who bum-rushed a cop with a frown,Six bullets later,He met his creator,Then his homies burnt down the town

Join me today in celebrating Darren Wilson Day, a man who did his duty on August 9th, 2014 and is now a man who must keep his home address a secret just to protect his family.