Daily Stormer
January 9, 2015

This race traitor has had a lucky escape – she could have easily ended up being killed by her exotic pet and she still might.
Unfortunately the defective White woman had already been used as an enemy-troop replacement machine.

A cheat was caught by his blonde fiancée when she found a clump of red hair clogging up her Henry hoover.
Deron Yapp, 24, initially told Nicola Lyon, 21, that the hair belonged to a friend’s furry hat.
But Miss Lyon – the mother of his four-year-old son – threw him out before he admitted to having his lover round.
The mother-of-one said: ‘His excuse was the straw that broke the camel’s back. His lies, coupled with his suspicious behaviour, were too much to handle.
‘I kicked him out then, telling him enough is enough.
‘It was heartbreaking but I was glad I found out before I married the rat. It was all thanks to Henry the hoover that I discovered his filthy secret.’
The couple had been engaged for two years when they hit a rocky patch soon after their son Riley was born.
Miss Lyon, from Woodford Green, north-east London said: ‘Deron’s behaviour changed. He’d say he was nipping to the shops but would go AWOL for hours. I told him, as a dad, he couldn’t just come and go as he pleased.’
He apologised and said he would take care of Riley for a weekend so she could relax with her parents.
Returning home to an empty flat which was a mess, Miss Lyon started cleaning up with her Henry the Hoover.
She said: ‘I was hoovering our bedroom when Henry started to overheat and shut off.
‘On closer I could see it was jammed. I reached down to unpick the nozzle and I could see that it was choked with strands of long red hair – but I was light blonde. ‘