Her Name was Reagan Tokes

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
February 14, 2017

Her name was Reagan Tokes.

She was a 21-year-old White psychology student at Ohio State University. She was kidnapped, raped and murdered last Wednesday in Columbus, Ohio by Brian Golsby who is a convicted sex offender who was released from prison in November:

“COLUMBUS (WCMH) — The man accused of kidnapping and killing a 21-year-old Ohio State University student has now been charged with rape.

The additional charge against Brian Golsby, 29, was filed Saturday. …

According to a criminal complaint filed in Franklin County Municipal Court, Golsby admitted to kidnapping Reagan Tokes Wednesday night near the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Mt. Pleasant Avenue, as she was walking to her car from work. He forced her to withdraw $60 in cash from her Chase Bank account at an ATM. He then drove her to Scioto Grove Metro Park, where she was shot and killed according to court records. His DNA was recovered from a cigarette butt located in Tokes’ car.

Tokes’ body was found at the park on Thursday afternoon. …”

She was shot twice in the head. Her nude body was left in front of the entrance of a park.

“Tokes’ nude body was found Thursday near a park entrance in Grove City after she was last seen leaving work at a Columbus restaurant Wednesday night. She was then reported missing by her off-campus roommates and co-workers when she never made it home. …

Golsby registered as a sex offender after being released from prison. He pleaded guilty in Franklin County Common Pleas Court in Columbus to aggravated robbery and attempted rape charges in May 2011 and received a six-year sentence. In that case, Golsby raped a woman in front of her 2-year-old child, forced her to withdraw cash from an ATM and then robbed her apartment, FOX28 reported. …”

This is Brian Golsby.

I don’t like writing about these stories. It is bad for your soul to dwell on these crimes. I only do it because someone ought to remember the victims. These are “stories about race in America” that are typically buried by the Lügenpresse. Many years ago, I lost count of the number of times I had seen a daddy’s little angel like Reagan Tokes snatched, raped and murdered by a black male criminal.

Let me give you another example.

Her name was Lauren Burk. She was an 18-year-old college student at Auburn University. She was abducted and murdered on March 4, 2008 by Courtney Lockhart.

Courtney Lockhart abducted her in a parking lot on the Auburn campus and attempted to drive out into the countryside to rape her. After forcing Lauren Burk to take her clothes off, Lockhart shot her in the back with a .38-special bullet that tore through her lungs. Then he drove off and left her there to die as she suffocated to death on her own blood, looking up at the stars, on the side of the Shug Jordan Parkway just a few miles away from where I lived for years.

“Her father’s testimony was the most emotional of the day.

“She was 18 and had her whole life ahead of her,” James Burk said.

He talked about seeing his daughter’s dead body on a gurney, breaking down and kissing her on the forehead.

“They didn’t have to ask me if it was her — they knew from the look on my face,” Burk said. “She looked like an angel. I couldn’t believe it. She was a happy girl, a shining star. She lost her whole future.”

… Burk’s mother, Vivian Guerchon, cried openly in the front row of the gallery as witness Savannah Benford described Lauren gasping for breath and shaking as she lay face up in the road that night.”

This is Courtney Lockhart.

This is how it all transpired that night:

“After her catnap, Lauren prepared to leave for a study session with high school friend Michael De St. Aubin. The two planned to meet at the Ralph B. Draughon Library at 8:30 p.m. Minutes before she left, McQuade said the young couple argued about one of Lauren’s outfits. The couple would have spats, but always made up soon after, according to McQuade.

Lauren left McQuade and walked to her black 2001 Honda Civic, parked near the back of the lot beside a blue Jeep Grand Cherokee under the orange cast of street lamps.

“I see Lauren getting in her car,” Lockhart said. “She’s already got her door open. She is doing it so slow. When I saw Lauren, I hung up the phone and grabbed my gun and came up behind her. I told her to get the (expletive) in the car. And I asked her how much money she had.”

Faced with a gun, the freshman backed into her car and crawled into the front passenger seat. Lockhart climbed in with her.

“I was just sitting in the driver’s seat,” he said. “She didn’t say anything; she was just screaming … she finally calmed herself.”

Lauren handed Lockhart $200 in cash and begged him to leave.

In one of many contradictions that night, Lockhart said he didn’t want her money.

Lockhart’s intent at that moment was debated in his murder trial. Lockhart said he was looking for someone to rob and only wanted money, but refused to take the cash and leave. Throughout his interrogation by police, Lockhart said he never planned to have sex with the Marietta, Ga., teen — or shoot her.


As they left campus on College Street, Lockhart forced Lauren to take off her clothes.

He drove with one hand on the wheel, the other pointing a Rohm RG revolver at the terrified 18-year-old.

“I didn’t want her to do anything or make any crazy moves,” he said.

Lauren hesitated.

“At first, she wouldn’t take her clothes off,” Lockhart said. “Then she took her shirt off … then her bra.”

The black Honda two-door drove through the heart of Auburn past busy college bars, boutiques and downtown restaurants.

The Delta Gamma sorority member who loved Coldplay was naked by the time the Honda passed the Chevron gas station at the corner of North College Street and Glenn Avenue.

“She tried to talk me out of it,” Lockhart said. “She kept asking if I would shoot her.”

As they left the center of town, Lauren tried to reason with Lockhart.

“We were talking about how my life was over and how she could help me get a job,” Lockhart said. “ … She says she knows someone who can get me a job. I said I got a job; I don’t need a job.”

As Lockhart drove along Alabama Highway 147, De St. Aubin and McQuade began calling to check on Lauren.

McQuade’s call to make sure his girlfriend arrived at the library safely went unanswered.

Lockhart finally let Lauren answer her phone with instructions to make something up.

Lauren canceled her study session with De St. Aubin, saying she had forgotten about previous plans. She hung up abruptly.

“At the time, I didn’t think about it that much,” De St. Aubin said. “Looking back at the phone call — wow — I could have realized that something was up.”

At some point along the stretch of 147 between Farmville Baptist Church and U.S. Highway 280, Lockhart shot Lauren.

“I had the gun like this, and it just went off …” Lockhart said in the video. “I guess we were both shocked. She was screaming.”

The .38 caliber bullet entered the back of Lauren’s left shoulder, exiting through her upper right arm. Both her lungs had been pierced. The muzzle of the gun was inches from Lauren’s back.

Lockhart drove on as Lauren tumbled from the car, pulling over in the parking lot of the Baptist church about a quarter of a mile away.

Lauren was lying in the roadway as Marcus Ratliff drove his black Ford Explorer toward the intersection of 147 and 280. Lauren stumbled to her feet covered in “road rash” and with a fatal gunshot wound to her back. Adrian and Savannah Benford of Auburn passed a crying, naked young woman waving at them from the western shoulder of 147. Ratliff and the Benfords turned around to check on the strange scene they had passed. …”

I imagine what happened to Reagan Tokes was a lot like that, but worse.

That happened at Auburn which is my alma mater a few years after I graduated. Courtney Lockhart had Lauren Burk strip naked in her car in the middle of downtown Auburn. He drove past the Auburn University library where I spent countless nights doing research. He drove past all the bars, restaurants and gas stations that I patronized and the streets that I walked for years.

I can only wonder: is this incident going to leave a similar impression on some student or alumni at Ohio State? It becomes less abstract when it happens on your own doorstep.

Note: According to the SPLC, it is a “false narrative” to connect the dots between these “senseless acts of violence” which are completely random. These things just spontaneously happen for no reason at all in our society. Please don’t talk about black crime.