Herd of Black Protesters Stampede Through White WW2 Vet Award Ceremony

Daily Stormer
January 6, 2014

Dario Raschio presents the medals he was being awarded with, when the herd stampeded into the hall.

U fot n da wer muffeggeh?  Ha bot dis – muh fambly was in da slavries befoe.

Oregon Live:

U.S. Navy veteran Dario Raschio was all smiles Saturday as he awaited a special honor from U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, who joined him at Portland Community College’s Southeast Campus to present the 100-year-old with a handful of medals.

“I feel I’m no hero,” said Raschio, dynamic and spry, before the event. “I don’t accept it as being a hero. I accept it as being a part of my job.”

Shortly after Wyden began speaking, though, protesters erupted in the back of the room, shouting “hands-up, don’t shoot!” More than 100 pushed through the doors, banged on the windows from outside and hoisted signs.

The ceremony was being held to honor the 100-year-old vet.

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