Here’s Why They’re Trying to Kike Bernie: His Son Just Declared He’s Running for Congress!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2018

lol Jews. 

Okay, so just this morning I mused as to why it is the Jews are now actively trying to kike over the Jew Bernie, given that he doesn’t really have any relevant political future because he’s so old, and by trying to kike him, they alienate his base of supporters.

Well, here we have our answer.

Fox News:

The son of Sen. Bernie Sanders announced a run for Congress Tuesday morning, adding yet another family member to the ballot this year.

Levi Sanders declared his candidacy for New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District “because people matter.”

“It is time to demand that we have a system which represents the 99% and not the 1% who have never had it so good,” Sanders said in a statement Tuesday.

Sanders follows his step-sister, Carina Driscoll, in running for office. She is campaigning for mayor of Burlington, Vt. – an office Bernie Sanders once held.

Bernie has given some signals about running in 2020, but I mean, come on – he’s going to be 79. He was senile af during the last campaign, just rattling off gibberish from the 1960s (because it’s the short term memory that goes first).

The fact that the Jews hate Bernie socialism is maybe weird to some people. Because Bernie himself is a Jew, and the bigger part of his program is Jewish. Nonetheless, the system is not setup for that sort of shit he is talking about. Basically, there was almost no difference between George Bush and Barack Obama on issues that Jews care about – mass immigration, globalism, war for Israel, financial corruption, etc.

There was then even less difference between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.

Theoretically, Jews do prefer the Democrat to the Republican because of social issues, but the increased ability of the Republican to drum people up into war has historically made up for that. Hillary Clinton was such an extreme neocon though that she had basically become the perfect candidate.

With Bernie, there is a whole list of shit they don’t want – big finance, trade and war are all issues he is bad for Big Jew on, all also issues Trump campaigned on. Furthermore, if he actually tried to implement that free everything program he was hawking, the government would just collapse. I mean, that’s the whole thing with communism – everything just totally collapses.

On another level, I think probably just the whiteness of Bernie’s crowds makes Jews nervous. Anything that unites white people under a populist-type banner – even if it is communism – is looked at with hostility by Jews.

The lack of interest that the blacks had, and their outright hostility to him, certainly didn’t bode well for a coalition that is mainly based on non-whites getting up the energy to go out and vote.

And that speaks to the most important reason they hate Bernie: the simple fact that there is no way in hell he – or his son – could ever win in a general election. HOWEVER, there is a very real chance he could have won the primary if he wouldn’t have been fucked with so hard by the DNC. Simply based on the fact that Hillary was so corrupt, and people really don’t like a “Goldman Sachs endless war candidate,” which is what any candidate the Democrat establishment puts up is going to be.

I have no idea what is going on with Bernie’s son, but Bernie was basically really popular. So if his son goes out there and campaigns on the same platform, he could potentially end up getting a lot of popular support.

And that, my friends, is why the kike media and the kiked-out Muller Sanhedrin are currently in the process of trying to frame Bernie as a Russian agent.