Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2015

It was once considered common knowledge that putting prehistoric people in charge of advanced systems caused the development of those systems to advance rapidly. Now, as all of our systems collapse under the weight of affirmative action, experts are beginning to question whether installing people which such low IQs to run systems invented by Whites is really such a great idea after all.
But let’s just blame it on “needs more shekels.”
America is losing its hard power due to years of poor funding. Two of its four service branches tasked with foreign missions have degraded on a five-point scale over the past year, a report by an influential think tank says.
The US is unable to meet its long-time goal of being able to fight two major regional wars simultaneously and the situation is getting worse, said the “2016 Index of US Military Strength,” released last week by the Heritage Foundation.
The annual assessment details the state of the military itself, their operational environment and the level of global threats to US interests. Since 2014, the military has lost some of its strength while the threats have become more significant, the report said.
“The US does not have the right force to meet a two–major regional contingency requirement and is not ready to carry out its duties effectively,” said the Heritage Foundation, which is often critical of the Obama administration. “Consequently, the US risks seeing its interests increasingly challenged and the world order it has led since World War II undone.”
Oh right, I see what you’re doing here Heritage Foundation.
“There’s no way that the US could fight both Russia and China at the same time” – WINK WINK WINK.

Peace Prize President now has the element of surprise, as he moves in to secure ISIS against Russia and Filipino claims to oil in the South China Sea.
They will never be prepared, now that you’ve released this fakeout report.
The assessment seems to mirror the Pentagon’s own views. DoD’s 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review modified its two-war demand, saying the US military should “be capable of defeating a regional adversary in a large-scale multi-phased campaign, and denying the objectives of – or imposing unacceptable costs on – a second aggressor in another region.”
The Heritage Foundation noted significant decline in two services of the armed forces. The Army’s power, which was assessed as “marginal” last year, has now been downgraded to “weak”. The Air Force used to be “strong” but is now only “marginal” on a par with The Navy and the Marine Corps as well as the US nuclear deterrence, which is rated in the index alongside the four branches. The Coast Guard is excluded from the rating.
…At the same time, threats to US interest are increasing. The Heritage Foundation named Russia and China as primary concerns due to the investments the two countries are putting into modernizing their military. Still both are ranked as second-worst “strong” threats, the same as terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Not to worry though.
When Obama starts a war with China, if we run low on funds we can just borrow more money from the Chinese.