Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 29, 2014

Darren Wilson, Hero of the White race who gained acclaim across the world for putting down a rabid animal which tried to murder him for no reason, has stated that he will not be returning to the police force, due to practical reasons.
Darren Wilson is currently in discussions with the Ferguson, Missouri police department on the terms and conditions of his departure, attorney Neil Bruntrager said this week.
“There’s no way in the world he can go back to being a police officer,” the lawyer said.
“It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when,” Bruntrager said of Wilson’s departure.
Bruntrager told CNN that Wilson, who has said his conscience is clear, could simply not go back to work given the outrage over the case.
“The first day he would be back on the street something terrible would happen to him or to someone that would be working with him,” he told CNN.
“The last thing he wants is to put other police officers at risk,” the attorney added.
This means he can enter politics immediately, and by 2020 he will be old enough to run for President.

But will there even be an America to run for by 2020? It is looking unlikely.