Hero White Man Hacked to Death with Machete – Police Desperate to Downplay Rumors of Terrorism

January 27, 2015

The 19-year-old was hacked to death outside the Pike and Musket pub in Tuffley, Gloucester.

A teenager was hacked to death by a machete-wielding ‘lunatic’ after he tried to protect a group of girls outside a pub.

Zac Evans, 19, died instantly when he was attacked along with two friends outside the Pike and Musket pub in Tuffley, Gloucester, at about 12.40am yesterday.

Police – who have arrested a man – are now hunting for the machete, which is thought to have a 2-foot blade.

This morning, Zac’s mum, sister and grandmother attended a church service where prayers were said teen’s family and friends.

Police are refusing to say what race the killer was and are instead saying ‘it wasn’t to do with terrorism.’

They did not speak to press outside the church, and appeared visibly upset.

A family spokesperson, who preferred not to be named, said Zac had stepped in to help someone else before he was attacked.

She said: “It’s something that should never have happened, he stepped in to help someone else.

“We only know what we have been told be people that were with him, one of them has gone into hospital and the other one came to see us this morning.

“We understand there was an altercation between some girls with Zac and their friends and Zac stepped in to help.

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This could now happen to any White man anywhere, thanks to the insane immigration policy of our genocidal leaders who have the blood of thousands of innocent White men on their hands just in Britain alone.

“Then some lunatic came out of nowhere and attacked him. You don’t expect this to happen in a local pub, it is a lovely, friendly place.

“This is not something that happens in Gloucester, you read about these things on the news but it doesn’t happen on your doorstep, and doesn’t happen to someone you know.

“We just need to find this man and bring him to justice.”

If you ‘enrich’ your country with creatures like this then machete murders of random White people are bound to happen.

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