Heroes of Benghazi Endorse Glorious Leader

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 29, 2016


Getting much less attention than the Duke endorsement (which wasn’t even an official endorsement) is an endorsement which is much less controversial and which would resonate more with the Republican base: that of two of the Benghazi war heroes.

Mark “Oz” Geist and John “TIG” Tiegen, members of the security team rescued dozens of Americans during the Benghazi attacks, have endorsed Our Glorious Leader for President of America.


Mr. Trump stated, “I am truly honored to have the support of these American heroes, the best of their generation. The American people can know with certainty, I will always place their interest above all else. I am the most militaristic person and it is so important to me to strengthen our military and protect American families and freedoms.”

Mark “Oz” Geist said, “We, perhaps more than any Americans, know the absolute and imperative reason that we elect Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. First and foremost, under a Trump administration, the request for additional security by an ambassador would have been heeded, and second, there is no question, when the attack came,he would have moved heaven and earth to provide the necessary forces to protect and reinforce our warriors. Mr. Trump is the bold, decisive leader America needs at this time.” Oz added, “Under President Trump, many conflicts will be avoided because our enemies will fear the United States and our military.”

John Tiegen added, “It is very clear to see the groundswell of support, never seen before in recent politics. Americans want a strong leader, one who cares more about the safety and freedom of the American people than he does winning elections, or what the press might think. In honor of those we have fought with, I am proud to endorse the next President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.”

Geist and Tiegen’s team was the subject of the Michael Bay movie 13 Hours.


Of course, the Benghazi debacle was a disaster on every level, but that doesn’t mean that these men are any less of heroes for what they did.

Real men believe in Donald Trump.