Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 22, 2014

The support fund for Darren Wilson, the heroic executioner of the vile Black gangster rapper and cigar-grabbing terrorist Mike Brown, has reached nearly $250,000, as White people rally around a man who has shown himself to be the best amongst us.
The evidence now shows that the savage animal Mike Brown, a known drug user, gangster terrorist and cigar thief, attacked Hero Darren before he caught a bullet in his skull.
The purpose of police is to deal justice to criminals, and Hero Darren did just this.
The amount of support he has received is clearly racial in nature, and that is beautiful. I don’t know the man. Maybe he isn’t really as great as he seems, and he was merely defending himself bravely by blowing out the brains of this criminal Black. But what I do know is that he is a White man who is being attacked by Blacks, the government, Alex Jones libertarian faggots and Jew Holohoaxers, and so on this basis, I will support him fully and completely.
And it seems the people agree with this position.

We are in a race war, White Man, and your skin is your uniform. It is time to embrace it. To embody it. To put your whole self into the unlimitedly powerful idea that you must stand with your brothers and sisters, members of the divine Aryan race, against the hordes who wish to destroy us.
Hail Darren Wilson, White Hero, silencer of racial enemies.