Heroic White Soldier Warned to Watch Out for Sand-Monkey Kidnappers

Daily Mail
March 4, 2015

Lance Corporal Joshua Leakey and his family face a kidnap threat from British-based Islamic terrorists after his Victoria Cross win, say military top brass.

Victoria Cross winner Lance Corporal Joshua Leakey has been told by top brass that he and his family face a kidnap threat from British-based Islamic terrorists.

The heroic soldier and his close relatives have duly stepped up their security. They made the changes following a review carried out before last week’s announcement that he had won the top medal.

A Defence source revealed: ‘His life will never be the same. For this reason we have to be very careful. The soldier and his family have embraced the changes.’

L/Cpl Leakey’s actions as part of a joint UK/US mission to attack a Taliban stronghold in Afghanistan in August 2013 included saving the life of a US Marine wounded in a gun battle.

L/Cpl Leakey’s parents Rosie and Mark have had to have had to step up their security after the announcement of their son’s VC award.

He is also credited with displaying outstanding leadership after insurgents surrounded US troops and destroyed their communications.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: ‘Security arrangements are regularly reviewed to ensure the appropriate security of staff.’

L/Cpl Leakey comes from a distinguished military family. His cousin won a Victoria Cross in the Second World War and his father is a former RAF Wing Commander.

Left to right: L/Cpl Leakey’s uncle Lieutenant General David Leakey, the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, brother Ben Leakey, mum Rosie Leakey and dad Mark Leakey.

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