Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 22, 2015

Yesterday, I reported on the curious fact that The Guardian was admitting that racists want no association with Dylann Storm Roof’s weird act. Today, as the shooting is beginning its slow exit from the news cycle, there are still no major news sites blaming internet racism for the shooting or calling for a witch-hunt against online haters.
Even while the Council of Conservative Citizens was mentioned by name in the killer’s manifesto, Kyle Rogers is getting minimal heat. The Daily Mail did a typically sensationalistic hit piece on him (where they state multiple times that he once referred to Michael Jackson as an ape), and the Daily Beast whined a bit. But that’s about it.

I’ve gotten a couple inquiries from the MSM, but I get those pretty regularly anyway.
There has been no gigantic media storm of “INTERNET HATE MACHINE EXPOSED.”
I have not seen a single news site calling for an end to free speech on the internet, which I had absolutely expected.
So, why not?
Presumably, the media has no desire to include us in their narrative at all, as it confuses the whole thing. If they talk to us, we are all just going to start listing off statistics about Black-on-White crime. If they link our sites, people are going to see endless lists of instances of Black-on-White crime. Merely acknowledging that we exist is more than they are able to do.
You’ll recall that during Operation: Filthy Jew Bitch the entire media simply referred to us as “an American White supremacist website.” We were never directly linked or even named by any major outlet (save one Jewish paper), even as dozens of articles were written on our operation.
They don’t want people to know who we are because what we are saying makes too much sense, even if people are shown our ideas through a story about a mass-murderer who allegedly subscribed to our ideology.
What It Means
This absolutely shows how much the media fears us. It would have been good if they had come down on us, as few in America actually supporting shutting the bitch down, and we would have at least got the chance to get our message out there after denouncing the shooting.
It also seems to indicate that this Roof shooting was not some sort of psy-op conspiracy, and that the manifesto is real. If this had been the case (and I must admit, I did entertain the idea), the media would have immediately jumped down our throats and demanded censorship of the internet. Instead, they aren’t even mentioning us at all, and simply trying to portray Roof as a typical White person.
I don’t think the story is going to get anywhere near the traction that these cop-killings get, at all, because it is so obvious the guy is drugged-out and not connected to or endorsed by anyone. The only thing they can do is keep saying it means Whites are evil and Blacks are oppressed – there is no massive conspiracy to allege, as they have chosen not to allege a massive conspiracy against internet hatred.
This story is already dying out of the news cycle. No one really knows what to do with it.
Probably, this will be slightly remembered, and when we get press in the future they will say “they believe like that drug guy who killed those old women while they were praying in a church.”
But that’s about it.