Refugee Resettlement Watch
April 22, 2015

Everyone was asking yesterday, are we sure these are REFUGEES or the children of refugees resettled in Minnesota (or somewhere else in the US)? Yes, we are 99% sure, but the mainstream media isn’t going to use the ‘R’ word unless they absolutely have to!
Most Somalis in the US are here through the Refugee Admissions Program of the US State Department. A few entered illegally and a few are here under Temporary Protected Status, but the vast majority are refugees.
And, what frosts me and it should you as well, is that the Minneapolis Star Tribune describes them as young people who grew up in America with good educations and a chance to be something other than a Jihadist!
One of the alleged ISIS fighter-wannabes even thumbed his nose at the US when YOU and YOUR tax dollars paid for his upbringing!
Why are we wasting more of your tax dollars keeping them here?
From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:
An eight-year federal investigation into terrorist recruiting yielded what authorities say is one of its biggest breakthroughs Monday, when six Somali-Americans from Minnesota were charged with planning to leave the United States and fight alongside Islamic extremist groups. [Breakthrough? It appears the only reason they got a break is that some other Somali youth got cold feet and snitched!—ed]
Two of the six were arrested by the FBI on Sunday in San Diego, where they intended to pick up passports and then cross into Mexico to board a flight to the Middle East, federal authorities said. [By the way, way back in around 2009 we reported on these Somali youths/jihadists getting out of the US via San Diego (large Somali community there) and going out across the Mexican border—ed]
The other four were arrested Sunday by FBI agents at various locations across the Twin Cities.
All six were charged Monday with conspiracy to aid and support a terrorist organization, specifically the group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).
Hey, ever think of the possibility that their paths crossed at a local mosque?
It’s not clear how the six men, who the Justice Department said range in age from 19 to 21, met or how well they knew each other, but it appears that their paths crossed again and again as they grew up in Minneapolis. After graduating from South High, Farah, Musse and Omar enrolled at Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC). Farah and Musse majored in liberal arts; Omar was a pre-nursing student. Abdurahman, also a graduate of the Minneapolis Public Schools, enrolled at MCTC and studied computer support. [Not poor and without prospects!—ed]
“I’m through with America.” Guess what? We are through with you too!
One of the men, in a conversation recorded by an FBI source, describes his disgust with living in the United States. “The American identity is dead. Even if I get caught, whatever, I’m through with America. Burn my ID,” he said, according to a transcript filed with the case.
Everyone needs to be paying attention to these supposed Somali community support groups.
And, by the way, what are the legal non-profits this community organizer referred the budding jihadist to?
Mohamud Noor, executive director of the nonprofit Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota, said one of the men came into his office seeking help earlier this year.
“He had been interviewed by the FBI, and he said he and his friends had been followed for some time,” Noor recalled, declining to say which of the men came in to see him.
The man was calm, Noor said, but said he was looking for legal representation and a better sense of what his rights might be. Noor referred him to a pair of nonprofits that provide free or low-cost legal assistance.
Maybe Noor should have been thinking about reporting the visit to the FBI instead of helping him fight for ‘his rights!”
Readers, let me know if you see any news report from the mainstream media that uses the word “refugee” in conjunction with those arrested.
And remember, we are admitting 800-900 new Somalis to the US EVERY MONTH.
See Minnesota seeded with 10,000 in ten years! Who brought most of them to Minnesota—Catholic Charities, World Relief (Evangelicals), Lutheran Social Services and Church World Service!
P.S. MN Police looking for Somali murder suspect, here.