Hey, Sean – What’s Going on, Big Guy?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2019

Sean Hannity did a piece on Wednesday night about the “Democratic Mob.”

Here’s the image he featured in the opening segment of the mob of which he speaks:

There is not a single white person in that image. Jared Nadler, Adam Schiff and Steve Cohen are all Jewish, Maxine Waters is black and Kamala Harris is half Jamaican and half Indian.

At some point, not pointing out the fact that the current political struggle is clearly a racial battle between whites and Jews who lead a horde of brown people, and instead talking about “ideas” and “values,” becomes absurd.

I think we are clearly past that point.

The Democrat Party no longer even bothers to have token white men. Aside from old Joe Biden, who is old, the only ones we’ve seen recently are Pete Buttigieg, a homosexual extremist who believes God is on the side of sodomy, and Beto O’Rourke, a white man who pretends to be Mexican.

And they are the last gasp of whites in the Democrat Party. They are both being attacked for being white.

Even white women are soon to be absent in the party’s representation. Nancy Pelosi is very old and on the way out, and white female presidential candidate Kristen Gillibrand has gotten zero traction.

When the entire party looks like Hannity’s featured image, and there are no more token white people to point to, how are we still going to be talking about ideas and values?

Won’t we then have to say what this is: a race war?