Hidden Cam: Indian Virus Overlord of New York Says He was Having Sex Orgies Under Banks During Lockdowns

Everyone is getting in on the hidden camera game. Steven Crowder is now in on the game.

The modern version of the hidden camera interview was pioneered by Irish hero and government victim James O’Keefe, who came up with the idea of sending attractive women (or attractive men, in the case of homosexuals) to flirt with prominent people and record them with a hidden camera during dates. He would get them drunk and talking and then release the video of them saying wild shit.

People claim this is unethical, but who even cares? It’s funny and if you divulge secret information to a woman on a date, you are literally retarded and deserve this. Most of these people appear to want to spill the beans, which is psychological. It’s very difficult to live a fake public life with a secret personal life, I would imagine. People will ask me: “Anglin, why do you talk about being a drunken whore-monger?”, and the answer is that for one, I value honesty and think people should be able to relate to my personal struggles, second, I am not trying to get called out on some hidden camera shit, and probably most importantly, I don’t want to manage the psychological disconnect of living some kind of secret life while presenting myself as something that I’m not, which is apparently very normal in Western society. It’s much easier to simply tell the truth.

O’Keefe was fired from his own organization, Project Veritas, in 2021 over claims of embezzlement and abuse, even though these things are totally licit under ancient Irish maritime law. He’s done some stuff with a new organization after getting ousted, but not nearly to the scale he was doing at PV.

Many have tried to claim his crown as the top secret video recorder. Steven Crowder’s latest attempt (at the top of the page there) is pretty good. He sent some trollop to flirt with the grotesque Indian former CDC official who was the head of the New York City coronavirus response, “Jay Varna.”

Varna, notably, looks like the Indian version of late “conservative Jew” Charles Krauthammer, who himself looked like Gul Dukat.

I don’t know what’s going on with that, but think people should be aware that this is happening, these faces looking like that.

Varna is not the biggest fish in the pond, and people outside of New York probably don’t recognize him, but he was on local TV in New York every day sitting next to “Mayor De Blasio” as the official “Straight out of Delhi” manager of the virus response. In the video, he claims it was his idea to force a vax mandate in New York City, but given that this was happening in every major liberal city, that is not a meaningful claim.

More bizarre is that he claims to have been involved in drug-fueled sex orgies underneath Manhattan banks during the lockdowns. He could just be making this up to impress the trollop who is filming him, who even knows, but it’s nonetheless a very extreme claim, which does have a ring of truth to it.

The fact that ostensibly normal public figures are engaged in a different kind of morality than the public at large is well-established, so it isn’t really a surprise that this guy would be having sex orgies on ecstasy (now called “molly” for some reason). It’s weird that these people do that. In Russia, Putin recently closed down the sex orgy industry, but it was notable that the Russian sex orgies were open, advertised events. I assume you had to have a certain level of money or status to get in as a male, and a certain level of attractiveness if you were female, but they were advertised publicly. If prominent people got caught out at these orgies, they would just be like “well, I was just, you know…” There is almost a sort of innocence to that, actually, in comparison with American orgies, which take place in secret under New York banks.

Further, everyone already knew that these people in the government were not following their own virus rules. Everyone from Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom to Boris Johnson was caught out behaving normally at private gatherings while the plebs were forced into a virus hoax machine that banned them from normal behavior.

Along with talking about doing secret sex orgies under banks during the lockdowns, Varna says that the government must force right-wing kooks to take vaccines. You might wonder why Jews are moving so aggressively to replace white people with Indians in positions of influence, and this is why: they have completely different values, and do not care about the concepts of personal freedom that are inherent to white people (and to some extent, also Asian people). Indians are the perfect functionaries of the Jews, as they do not naturally believe in anything beyond the material. They want status and sex, period. That is the extent of their existence. Their religion, which is grotesque, has none of the higher values inherent in Christianity, Buddhism/Confucianism, or Islam, and is much closer to Judaism in that it is exclusively about calling on otherworldly demon entities to assist in obtaining material wealth and power.

You notice that while the underclass of white countries has been replaced with Mexicans in America and Arabs in Europe, the manager class, in both the public and private sphere, is being replaced with Indians. You don’t have to understand much about the Indian racial soul to see why this makes sense. Even the blacks have some kind of sense of justice and a right to personal freedom, whereas Indians are simply empty vessels which will go along with whatever will benefit them personally.

The Varna hidden cam piece is not the great Dravidian whale, but it is a good reminder of just how fake and retarded everything is. The people in charge are dumb, but they are not scamming you because they actually believe the retarded gibberish they feed you. Anyone who believes in hoaxes like the coronavirus, vaccines, the Ukraine war, global warming, voting, or any of the rest of this tripe is lower than any dumb animal. You couldn’t convince an animal to lock itself in its den. An animal wants to run free.