Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2015

Oy vey!: Two high school students from New York were photographed at a house party wearing t-shirts with swastikas and “Auschwitz,” the infamous place where trillions of Jews died of gassings, beatings, executions, gassings, exhaustion, cruel medical experiments, gassings, and gassings.
And now a full scale investigation is underway.
The Commack School District said in a statement Wednesday that it learned of the photos, which had been posted on social media, Monday. One photo shows a swastika scrawled in black marker on the red T-shirts of two students playing beer pong.
School district officials say the photographs were not connected to any school-sponsored activity and because of that, it is limited in what in can do to address the matter.
“However, the District is taking all necessary steps to investigate and will impose discipline related to this where legally permissible,” the statement from the district said.
Officials say the district provides ongoing programs to reinforce student sensitivity and awareness, and it will offer counseling to those involved in or upset by the tees. They reiterated the anti-Semitic shirts worn by the high school students do not represent the overarching student body at Commack High School.
With incidents such as these, there’s absolutely no reason to not support more Holocaust education indoctrination. The fact that people still think it’s totally hilarious to mock the Holocaust is definitive proof why Holocaust education indoctrination ought to be prioritized so highly.
Can I get an “amen”?