Daily Express
November 7, 2013

Lindsay Black, 28, sent texts, emails and Facebook messages to the boy, known as Pupil A.
A disciplinary panel heard that she told the teenager of a dream she had in which they were performing a lewd sex act.
The boy, who was cast in the lead role of the school’s production of the Queen musical We Will Rock You, had shown other pupils her explicit text messages.
Colleagues told how drama teacher Black repeatedly turned to explicit themes in her lessons, with her Year 12 pupils.
One “game” was called “Who’s a virgin?” Sixth-formers were allegedly made to stand up in front of other pupils if they had not had sex.
Another was titled “I have never…” In this exercise Black would ask pupils if they had performed various sex acts.
Her colleague Sandra Davies said: “She would then get pupils to act out the acts in question,”
When confronted by the head of drama, Black told him the games were merely a way of getting the pupils “into character”.
Ms Davies told the professional conduct hearing that pupils had told her how Black would create a sexual theme to drama classes.
She went on: “She said she wanted to cheat on her fiance once before getting married and that she fantasised about having sex on a table in the drama class.”
English teacher Abigail Watts also gave evidence against Black.