High T Black Woman Beats and Robs 81-Year-Old White Guy on Public Transit

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
October 23, 2017

Victoria Dollarson and the victim.

Blacks will prey on the weakest people they can find.


Victoria Dollarson, of the Humboldt Park neighborhood, was charged with a felony count of robbery in which the victim was 60 or older, according to Chicago Police.

About 9:35 p.m. Monday, the 81-year-old was riding a Brown Line train as it approached the Washington/Wabash station at 29 N. Wabash Ave., according to an alert from police. As the train’s doors opened at the station, Dollarson ripped the man’s cellphone from his hands, and an ensuing struggle caused the man to tumble down a staircase on the platform.

The man suffered a laceration to his right temple, bleeding on the brain, abrasions, bruising and swelling to his hands and knees, police said Monday. He was in critical condition at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.