Highest EU Court: Sickening Towelheaded Sandrats Can be Banned from Wearing Head-Towel at Work

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2017


Multiculturalism was advertised as the creation of a one world system where everyone believes in liberal/atheist/humanitarian values.

But when you open up the box, it’s just brown people overrunning you, taking all of your everything away from you, while maintaining their barbarian cultures.

We now know what it looks like when you get it out of the box, but it seems that some of these euro-liberal cuck retards haven’t figured out what is happening right in front of their stupid faces, and still believe in the advertised version.

They still believe these animals can be domesticated.

The Independent:

The European Court of Justice has ruled that companies can ban employees from wearing the Islamic headscarf, but only as part of prohibitions including other religious and political symbols.

It is the first case of its kind amid a series of legal disputes over the right for Muslim women to wear the hijab at work.

“An internal rule of an undertaking which prohibits the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or religious sign does not constitute direct discrimination,” the court said in a statement.

“However, in the absence of such a rule, the willingness of an employer to take account of the wishes of a customer no longer to have the employer’s services provided by a worker wearing an Islamic headscarf cannot be considered an occupational requirement that could rule out discrimination.”

The Luxembourg-based court found that a headscarf ban may also constitute “indirect discrimination” if people adhering to a particular religion or belief, such as Muslims, are put at a particular disadvantage.

But indirect discrimination is permissible if it is “objectively justified by a legitimate aim”, such as a company’s policy of neutrality, provided that the means of achieving it are appropriate and necessary.

François Fillon, the conservative candidate in the French presidential election, hailed the ruling as “an immense relief” that would contribute to “social peace”.

But a campaign group backing the women said it could shut many Muslim women out of the workforce and European rabbis said the court had worsened rising hate crime by sending a message that “faith communities are no longer welcome”.

The president of the Conference of European Rabbis, Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, said: “This decision sends a signal to all religious groups in Europe.”

Of course, Jews pushing the out of the box version – these same Jews who sold us the “they’ll adapt” version when they were flooding us with these savages.

I go back and forth on whether or not this is a good thing for us or not.

Sometimes, I’m like “well, it leads people to falsely believe in the advertised version.”

Other times, I’m like “well, it further agitates the hajis, causing them to act out, and thus drawing attention to their barbarism.”

I guess it can go either way, but at this point, there are so many Moslems in France that this is just going to make them angrier.

And these people being angry and acting out aggressively is definitely good for us in the long run.

It let’s our people see them for what they really are.