Hillary 2016: The Only Candidate Who Will Start a World War with Russia to Protect ISIS

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 20, 2015


It has been 70 years since America was in a world war. Over twenty years since we were in a cold war with Russia. In that time, America has gone straight downhill.

For instance, in that time:

  • Racism has increased, cops are always shooting unarmed Black teens
  • The Patriarchy is more powerful than ever
  • No good minimum wage increase for the working class
  • No new immigration policy

What America needs is a world war with Russia. There is only one woman who will guarantee she will start a world war with Russia to defend terrorists:

Hillary Clinton.


Hillary Clinton has spent her entire life defending the working classing, Black people and homosexuals. She has dedicated herself to funding terrorism and starting a nuclear war with Russia.


Other candidates, such as Jeb Bush, want to let our assets in Syria (moderate terrorists and ISIS) be depleted. They want America to be invaded by Russia, and for all homosexuals to have their adopted children/sex toys taken from them. They want to stop feminism and also no minimum wage increase.


Russia has said that after it invades America, there will be no free abortions for 13-year-olds.

We have to stop Russia now in Syria, where they are trying to stop moderate terrorists. We have to organize, to come together as a nation, to start a nuclear war with Russia. We have to have families, mostly homosexuals, and they need to be strong. We need minimum wage increase for the working class.

Only one woman will do this: Hillary Clinton.


Ever since Russia bombed ISIS, they have also been bombing moderate terrorists. How long until they begin bombing moderate people in America?

There is no hope for Syria, except an ISIS alliance with moderate terrorists. Hillary Clinton is devoted to such an alliance. Hillary Clinton will not stop until America is safe, and the whole Middle East is controlled by ISIS.


Hillary is for free abortions for pregnant teenagers, and she believes in raising the minimum wage, giving unlimited free everything to Blacks, forcing people with more than $300 in the bank to pay for healthcare for illegal Mexicans and starting a nuclear war with Russia.


So when you go to the polls, ask yourself:

  1. Do you want a nuclear war and constant abortions in high schools?
  2. Do you want free college tuition and socialism in the corporations?
  3. Do you want to protect the rights of homosexual men to adopt male children as sex toys?
  4. Do you want to end the patriarchy and stop all wars forever?

If you said yes to any of these questions then vote Hillary 2016.


Hillary Clinton is the only Presidential candidate who has openly stated she will start a global nuclear war to defend ISIS.

Would you trust anyone else?


Related: Clinton, Bloomberg Demand Obama Start World War with Russia to Defend Moderate Terrorists