Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 15, 2015

Well, the Paris Attack was certainly good for the GOP, and best for Trump.
The unhinged went Hillary and Jew Bernie are demanding tens of thousands of terrorists be brought to America to kill people on the streets.
Why would anyone support that?
Saturday on CBS’s Democratic presidential debate, all three candidates agreed that American should still take Syrian refugees even after reports that at least one man linked to the Paris attacks registered as refugee in Greece.
Sanders said, “In terms of refugees, I believe the United States has the moral responsibility with Europe, with Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, to make sure that when people leave countries like Afghanistan and Syria with nothing more than the clothing on their back, that of course, we reach out. Now, what the magic number is I don’t know, because we don’t know the extent of the problem. But I certainly think that the United States should take its full responsibility in helping those people.”
Clinton said, “I also said that we should take increased numbers of refugees. The administration originally said 10. I said we should go to 65, but only if we have as careful a screening and vetting process as we can imagine, whatever resources it takes. I do not want us to in any way inadvertently allow people who wish us harm to come into our country.”
Beyond the questions about open support for Americans being slaughtered on the streets Paris-style by ISIS, questions have been raised about whether or not Hillary would be able to effectively run the country from prison, where she will soon be stationed.
Donald Trump recently called out the FBI for protecting her, which they are not going to be able to do indefinitely.
There are also questions about the legality of Sanders becoming President, given that he died in 1997 and was reanimated by Democrat communists last year so that he could run for President.