Hillary Announces She will Emulate the Leadership of Angela Merkel

Daily Stormer
January 9, 2016


This just in: yet another reason to vote Trump.

In her recent interview with Time, Hillary said explicitly that she would emulate the governing style of Queen Bitch Merkel

Any particular foreign leader whose executive stewardship you admire and might want to emulate as president?

Well, I have to say that I highly admire Angela Merkel. I’ve known Angela since the 1990s, she and I actually appeared on a German TV show together. I have spent personal time with her. She is, I think, a really effective strong leader and really right now the major leader in Europe, not just in Germany. I admire her political skills and her principles, her strong work ethic. I just find her to be an incredibly important person in the world today and I look to her to see how she’s managed it.

I guess she wants to be “Mama Hillary.”