Hillary Clinton and Bill de Blasio Announce Plan to Exterminate “Subhuman N*gger Filth”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 12, 2016

smdh 2016


At events like the annual Inner Circle Dinner, a New York City spectacle bringing together those from the arts, media, and politics, there are always groan-generating jokes and awkward arrangements, but on Sunday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Mayor Bill de Blasio took it into cringeworthy territory with a racially charged wisecrack.

And it wasn’t when de Blasio called Clinton his “homegirl.”

In their sketch, Clinton comes on stage to join de Blasio and Broadway actor Leslie Odom Jr., who was depicting Aaron Burr from the play Hamilton. Odom happens to be black, and that fact is not ignored in the context of the script they all acted out.

“I just have to say thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you long enough,” Clinton said to de Blasio upon her entrance. The New York City mayor was Clinton’s campaign manager during her successful 2000 campaign for a Senate seat in the state, so an issue was made of the fact he endorsed her long after other prominent politicos in the state. Anyway.

“Sorry Hillary, I was running on CP time,” de Blasio said, referencing “colored people time” or “black people time” as it’s also known. “CP time” or “CPT” is a joke about black people always being late, and although it has been adopted as a joke by other minority groups as well, it has also been picked up by racists who don’t use it in a kidding fashion.

“That’s not — I don’t like jokes like that, Bill,” Odom reacted on stage, still scripted.

And then Clinton to the rescue: “Cautious politician time? I’ve been there.”

Hillary then explained that once President, she will pass an executive order mandating that all watermelons sold in the United States be booby trapped with secretly implanted hand-grenades so that “when niggers go for that juicy goodness, they get a nice surprise.”

Due to Hilary’s continual calls to exterminate “subhuman watermelon-fixated monkeypeople,” many Blacks are now supporting Bernie Sanders.

Several months ago, Bernie found himself in hot water after telling a crowd of Black supporters that “niggers are so stupid, they can’t even do farming.” Two black women then rushed the stage and took his mic from him.


Screw-up: A few months ago, Bernie Sanders accidentally insulted his “stupid nigger” supporters.

Bernie later explained that he was preparing to explain how he would teach Blacks how to farm as part of his socialist invigoration program for the Black community.

However, many were not convinced. So to prove he was not a racist, Bernie rented a Black crack whore off the streets of New Orleans and live-streamed the awkward intercourse that ensued.

“Feel the bern” is short for “feel the bern in my urethra,” a reference to the chlamydia Sanders received from the Black crack whore. After contracting the disease, he then refused to take antibiotics, leaving the infection to fester so that “every time I take a piss, I feel the bern and remember the suffering of slavery.”

Bernie would then regularly say “I know I’m not a racist because I feel the bern in my urethra.”

Later, due to his refusal of treatment, the urethral infection spread to his testicles, which he says has resulted in “a constant sharp pain.”

He then began using the phrase “I feel the bern in my Matza balls,” a self-deprecating and anti-Semitic joke referencing his Jewish faith.

The phrase “feel the bern” is now used by supporters of Black economies who encourage people to frequent Black crack Hookers instead of slightly higher quality heroin-addicted Mexican ones in order to give back to the Black community, which is still recovering from slavery hundreds of years ago.

Some in the Black community however continue to support Hillary despite her calls for their extermination.

Shanqueenzilla Thomas told the Daily Stormer that she will be voting for Hillary.

“She a good bitch,” Shanqueenzilla said.

fat black woman

Despite Hillary’s calls for mass extermination of Blacks, Shanqueenzilla Thomas still feels she’s the best of the bunch.

When asked about Clinton’s plan to commit a genocide against the Blacks, she replied “you know mutfigguh, I ain’t agree wiff ereythang dat bitch done said, all her thangs and her shit she done be said. But she a good bitch and she gon go n help dis here communidies uh Black folk.”

When asked what she feels the Black community needs most, Shanqueenzilla didn’t skip a beat: “mo money fo dem programs.”