Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2015

Good news for Hillary Clinton, who has been the victim of a sexist, misogynistic conspiracy against her: she is currently only the subject of five criminal investigations.
The Washington Post has been kind enough to walk us through the various investigations.
1. House Select Committee on Benghazi
— Led by: Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman
The most prominent and controversial probe, House Republicans’ look into the Benghazi attacks gained new energy this year amid scrutiny of Clinton’s private email server. The effort launched on May 2, 2014 as a way to combine probes of Clinton taking place simultaneously within four separate House panels. Its leader, former federal prosecutor Gowdy, continues to tangle with the State Department over the pace of its release of Clinton’s documents.
Clinton will testify before the Select Committee on Oct. 22, a day sure to make headlines not least because the hearing will be open to the public.
A spokesman for the committee emphasized that questions will center on the 2012 attacks in Libya.
That’s a serious no-good one. Really no good at all, letting those people die on purpose then blaming it on a YouTube video. Good news there is, the Republicucks don’t really care, and don’t want to implicate their own selves.
2. Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee
— Led by: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman
Johnson’s efforts began in March when he asked the State Department’s inspector general to examine Clinton’s emails for classified information. In the last month, the Wisconsin Republican reached out to three more parties with questions related to the emails: Clinton lawyer David Kendall; Platte River Networks, which ran Clinton’s server; and FBI Director James Comey, about the bureau’s own look into the issue (see below).
Yeah, this one is definitely a no good problem. Because she’s already admitted to the press that she was keeping classified government secrets on an illegal server in the bathroom of her apartment.
This is going to take some serious wiggling.
3. Senate Judiciary Committee
— Led by: Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman
Grassley’s panel continues to investigate several issues that touch on Clinton and her former deputies at State. One is Special Government Employee status, a designation that allows federal workers to maintain positions outside the government. Top Clinton aide Huma Abedin received this designation at State, allowing her to work simultaneously in the private sector. Grassley raised the specter of conflicts-of-interest and questioned Abedin’s qualifications for special status. His probe of personnel issues at State began in 2013.
Abedin figures prominently in another investigation at Senate Judiciary. The committee is looking into allegations that Abedin was improperly paid for leave days. Abedin is contesting findings by State’s inspector general.
Finally, Grassley is probing the handling of classified material within the State, an issue that relates directly to Clinton’s email server.
This one should be relatively easily to squirm around.
For those unaware, Huma Abedin is the wife of the Jew pervert Anthony Weiner. That was the Jew sending dick-pics across the nation. Trump has accused Huma of sharing classified information with her pervert husband, which she presumably did.
4. Federal Bureau of Investigation
The FBI took an interest in Clinton’s private email server after an intelligence community watchdog expressed concern about the security of sensitive information within the system. The FBI began probing the issue, the Post reported Aug. 4, by making inquiries with Platte River Networks, which maintained the private server, and Clinton lawyer David Kendall. Just over a week later, Platte River Networks turned over the server to the bureau. From Kendall, the FBI obtained a thumb drive with copies of emails on the server.
This one is the particularly bad deal that even a major wiggle-master such as the Hillster is gonna have a hard time wiggling out of. Because again, she’s already publicly admitted to felonies she could potentially do decades in prison for.
Keeping classified information on this bathroom server was straight-up treason and espionage against the United States, and even the act of establishing the server was a conspiracy to commit espionage.
This is despite whatever was so illegal she felt the need to keep this private server – which was an unprecedented act. I’d imagine the criminality goes way beyond getting all those people in Libya killed on purpose.
But she’s apparently deleted almost everything on the server – after a subpoena, which is also a felony she’s publicly admitted to – so maybe we’ll never know.
Of course, the NSA probably has records, but those records would be illegal an thus inadmissible.
5. State Department Office of Inspector General
— Led by: Inspector General Steve Linick
The State Department’s internal watchdog is looking into the way former secretaries handled official materials, a review that naturally involves Clinton. In a statement issued March 27, Linick said his team began preliminary work for a review of how the department preserves information and responds to information requests, including those from Congress.
The effort takes place against the backdrop of conflict with Gowdy and other congressional Republicans over the release of documents related to Clinton.
Yeah, that’s an easy wiggling. No big issue. Except that it is compounded with all of this other criminal activity, including innumerable felonies and treasonous acts of espionage.
The Craziest Thing
The craziest thing is not that Clinton is so insane that she is just pretending like none of this is happening. That is just individual mental illness, which is obviously weird, but not especially uncommon, particularly among psychopathic politicians.
The craziest thing is that the media isn’t pushing any of this. The media as a whole. Not even Breitbart or Rush Limbaugh will keep hitting it.

The one person who might keep hitting it is The Donald. And if he hits it hard enough, the FBI is going to have to expand this thing, appoint a special prosecutor, and the woman may well end up in prison. At the very least, she is going to have an incredibly difficult time getting elected President, when she is being investigated for all of these high-level felonies and acts of treason.
So far, her base defense is “well, I didn’t even know.”
Which is both weird and irrelevant. Not knowing you are committing a crime does not mean that you did not commit a crime. The fact that she obviously had to have known, or is some kind of serious mental retard, is also interesting.