Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2015

Hillary Clinton, next President of America and stupid dyke bitch, has weighed in on the Baltimore crisis, saying she fully understands the anger of Blacks who are being murdered left and right for no reason by racist Black cops but stopping short of defending the right of Blacks to steal and burn things when they have hurt feelings.
Incredibly, she listed off the names of both Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin as innocent victims, even though impartial courts have already decided these “unarmed teens” got what they deserved. You expect Obongo and his henchmen to continue pushing this into infinity, but one would think that Clinton wouldn’t be so quick to attach herself to these rioting monkeys.
Here’s a clip:
And here’s the full video:
This is her first policy speech since announcing her run.
Apparently, she is going to use these “protests” in Baltimore as a campaign issue, which leads me to believe that someone on her advisory council is trying to sabotage her. Everyone accept Blacks and hardcore Marxist extremists is either completely fed-up with these stupid and brutal Negroes or will be by voting time.
She also said she wants to release Black felons from prison and flood the streets with them. Doesn’t really seem like that is likely to be a particularly popular position. It is worth noting that her husband was the one who went for stricter penalties for drug offenders and violent criminals, which proved a very popular policy.
This is the first indication I’ve had that there could be a chance for Republicans to win this coming election. Blacks are already going to vote Democrat no matter what because that means more free things (“gibsmedats”). There is no reason for any Democrat – or Republican – to ever campaign to Blacks. It isn’t even about getting them to bother voting, because there are all these organizations which go to their neighborhoods and pick them up to vote, often giving them a free lunch for coming along.
So what is Hillary doing?
Again: no idea.
Maybe there is a high-level Jew or multiple Jews on her advisory staff who wants a Republican to win so they’ll nuke Iran.
I just can’t hardly think of any other reason she would want to come out in support of rioters at this point in the race debate, where even liberals are becoming seriously concerned about their personal safety in the face of rising Black aggression.