Hillary Experiencing Rapid Neurological Deterioration, Refers to Trump as Her Husband

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton this weekend referred to Donald Trump as her husband.

We have of course make jokes about how she, along with all women on the planet, desire to be married to the ultimate ALPHA MALE.

But beyond that, we have the reality that Hillary appears to be dealing with a serious neurological condition. We need to start asking this question. Because we need an answer to this question.

What is going on with this woman’s brain?

I keep posting these seizure pics, and have memed it, but beyond the fact that it’s hillarious (u see dat?) that she’s having seizures in public, it is also a serious problem for the voters and for the country if we elect someone who is totally unstable, health-wise.

Last Thursday, she had some sort of breakdown on stage at a rally. Some Black guy rushed up and told her to keep talking.

She then said “okay, here we are,” and went into her standard hysterical laughter.

It’s a very weird clip.

I know I said I was done with Paul Joseph Cuckson after he said that thing about Jews having no influence on the media, but he did a great video on this I’ve gotta post.

It’s all other people’s research, of course – he regularly rips off my articles. But the ratlike little faggot really arranged it all well in this clip.

I think we would do very well to keep pressing this issue.

I don’t know if Trump can bring it up. That could end up making him look a big old meanie-head to these stupid women we have to get votes from. But the rest of us can continue it.

This tongue thing is a good place to start.


I think the picture isn’t getting shared that much because it is so disgusting. It’s worse than Ted Cruz eating that booger (probably). But it needs to go viral on Twitter. People won’t forget it, and I have a hard time believing that anyone who sees it will vote for her.

The lesion could be late-stage syphilis, which could also explain the neurological problems. Whatever it is, it’s definitely something. I mean, if I saw someone with that on their tongue in a public place, I would leave. I think most everyone would. That is a serious tongue thing.

We need to force Clinton to give a statement on these apparently very serious health issues she is dealing with.