Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 9, 2015
Interesting to the goyim may be that Hillary Clinton has put out a campaign ad featuring lesbian pornography.
Here’s a relevant still from said ad:
Here’s the full ad:
She is of course being praised for… whatever. Endorsing diversity of sex lives. You know. Standard Jew gibberish.

However, this ad is obviously porno.
It is not depicting something which exists in reality. Two attractive women are never gay together. At least not in 99.99% of cases of this behavior.
Actual lesbians look like this:
Generally, you have one completely masculine female, with the other generally feminine (by modern Western standards, I mean) but also ugly.
What the Hillary Clinton ad is portraying is a pornographic fantasy. For whatever reason, lesbianism is the most common male sexual fantasy. But men do not fantasize about actual lesbians, because actual lesbians are gross. They fantasize about fantasy lesbians, which are not gross.

Thus, we can conclusively say that Hillary Clinton’s marketing team is using a male sex fantasy to appeal to male voters. They obviously knew the image of these two women kissing would be all through the news, associated with her name. You then have a subconscious association with Hillary Clinton and something very private which makes you feel nice.
This is how brains work. Jews have known it for a while, they just didn’t feel an obligation to tell you.
This subconscious sex fantasy association was obviously planned by expert Jewish marketers who understand that Hillary is having serious problems with the male demographic, which sees her as belligerent and fundamentally terrifying on a primal level, a mutant form of an archetypal evil mother figure come to make you feel guilty forever.

Interestingly, all other news outlets – left and right alike – are failing to acknowledge this obvious marketing strategy. The conservative news outlets are taking it at face value that she is pandering to homosexuals. As if there is some other politician homosexuals would vote for.