Hilldawg Emerges from the Shadows to Attack Russia, Push Bizarre, Kook Theories Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 21, 2018

Recently, Hillary Clinton – commonly known to her supporters as “Hilldawg” – had been dubbed “The Shadow Master” due to her apparently desire to move with – and within – the shadows.

However, she has yet again remerged, with used-up, old memes in hand, to say some shit no one cares about.


One-and-a-half years after Hillary Clinton lost the election, she’s taken her baseless claims of Russian collusion to her alma mater, pulling out a Russian hat while speaking at Yale’s graduation ceremony.

The former secretary of state, who has hardly taken a breath in her campaign against Moscow and claims that it colluded with Donald Trump, wasted no time before jumping straight into the topic of Russia on Sunday. After a few obligatory “thank yous” to students and the faculty, she got stuck in.

“I see you are following the tradition of over-the-top hats [at graduation], so I brought a hat too – a Russian hat,” she said. “I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

It should perhaps come as no surprise that she changed the subject after that quip, failing to note that there remains zero evidence that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign or took part in any malicious activity.

Clinton also couldn’t pass up the chance to get in a few jabs about a number of other topics, from WikiLeaks to emails sent from her private server. “If you thought my emails were scandalous, you should hear my singing voice,” she said.

It’s that rapist’s wit that gained Hillary the wide following that she has.

Great delivery, too.

Hillary re-emerging ahead of the midterms is definitely a good thing.

I hope she decides to keep a public profile all summer long – and in particular, to focus on these bizarre conspiracy theories she has been pushing for so many years.