Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2015
Recently, an alleged undercover video was released of a Planned Parenthood director Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who is presumably Jewish, negotiating the sale of human body parts.
Breitbart gave a very good overview of the situation yesterday when the news came out.
The video is harrowing, like something out of a James Bond movie, where apparently, a top-executive at a major institution (that annually receives hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars) blandly explains how Planned Parenthood will perform abortions in special ways in order to preserve body parts that will later be sold illegally; how the forceps are used, etc.. All over a meal and wine.
“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part,” Nucatola coldly explains. “I’m gonna basically crush [the unborn child] below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact. … And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”
Nucatola also goes into great detail to explain how Planned Parenthood is able to use its loose affiliates as a way to protect the parent company from potential legal fallout.
The video goes a long way to explain Planned Parenthood’s eternal devotion to legalizing late-term and partial-birth abortion.
Nucatola explains to the undercover reporters that the butchered body parts (hearts, livers, “lower extremities — probably for the muscle”) sell for $30 to $100 apiece.
Following this, however, Breitbart went full-retard, and blamed Adolf Hitler for the situation.

Of course, it is true that Margaret Sanger did hold eugenicist views, but those are not the views presently being promoted by Planned Parenthood. Currently, the organization focuses on killing the babies of healthy, White teenage girls, mostly from middle class families.
Whatever damage they are doing to the Black or otherwise low-IQ population is negligible in comparison to the damage they are doing to the healthy and not poor White population.
This is, of course, because Nazis are not running Planned Parenthood – Jews are. The vast majority of abortion doctors in the US (all of whom are at least peripherally tied to this organization) are Jew or Hindu immigrant.
It is time to stop blaming Hitler for the world’s problems, and start blaming those responsible: Jews.