Hitler on Race-mixing and Multiculturalism

Daily Stormer
August 18, 2014

Some of Hitler’s thoughts on race-mixing and multiculturalism from his book Mein Kampf.

Amazing how statements such as these in the above video, which are based on common sense and empirical evidence, can be seen as “evil” and “radical” by so many, as they are today.

In our current paradigm, it is perfectly acceptable for the Jews to keep Israel racially pure, but White people must blended out of existence. Thankfully, this reality is changing very rapidly though.

More and more people are awakening to the Truth about our Leader, as Mein Kampf continues to top the book sale charts and The Greatest Story Never Told is viewed by an untold amount of people each day, and more and more White people are waking up and realizing that it is not evil to simply want your people to exist.