Holder: Judges Should Focus More on Race When Sentencing Criminals

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2014

"Dem niggas b up der, b lib dat herd lyf oud on dem ruff strees, aint deserb da sym standars as dem wyts, b has dat prebledge.  Yall muffuggas nees ta stop puddin dem in dat pen jus cuz dey did da crame." -Planet of the Apes Occupation Commissar Eric Holder on how blacks should not be punished for crimes
“Dem niggas b up der, b lib dat herd lyf oud on dem ruff strees, aint deserb da sym standars as dem wyts, b has dat prebledge. Yall muffuggas nees ta stop puddin dem in dat pen jus cuz dey did da crame.” -Planet of the Apes Occupation Commissar Eric Holder on how blacks should not be punished for crimes
PotA Occupation Commissar Eric Holder is at it again.

This is about fairness, i.e. Blacks being given special treatment because they are Black.


Holder says he’s concerned about judges relying too heavily on data when they sentence criminal defendants. He says judges in several states have begun factoring in “risk assessments,” such as a defendant’s education or socioeconomic background.

Holder says the use of that data often results in minorities being treated unfairly. He says sentences should reflect actual crimes committed, rather than a prediction of someone’s likelihood to commit future crimes.

Holder was appearing in Philadelphia Friday in a speech to criminal defense lawyers.

The speech was intended to mark the one-year anniversary of Holder’s “Smart on Crime” initiative, in which he instructed federal prosecutors to stop charging many nonviolent drug defendants with offenses that carry mandatory minimum sentences.

You have to give it to Eric Holder: he does everything he can to support his race.  You don’t ever even hear him say anything at all that doesn’t have to do with Black issues.

But come on Eric.  You have to have better arguments than “don’t use data, use their race.”

Oh that’s right.  You’re black.  You don’t need better arguments.

Please note that in traditional Africa (modern Africa as well for the most part) there was no actual criminal Justice system. What we are seeing here is a Black put in charge of a White people’s government attempting to restructure it to be in-line with his own racial system.