Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 4, 2014

The Planet of the Apes Occupation government commissar Eric Holder has pledged to investigate the evil racist cops who killed a gigantic violent cigar-grabber simply because the innocent gangster was trying to beat someone to death.
According to federal law enforcement officials, Holder is launching a “broad civil rights investigation.”
The investigation, which could be announced as early as Thursday afternoon, will be conducted by the Justice Department’s civil rights division and follow a process similar to that used to investigate complaints of profiling and the use of excessive force in other police departments across the country, the officials said.
The move follows the shooting last month of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American, by a white Ferguson police officer who claimed he acted in self-defense. Brown, who was unarmed, was shot at least six times on the afternoon of Aug. 9.
Holder’s decision will represent the Obama administration’s most aggressive step to address the Ferguson shooting, which set off days of often-violent clashes between police and demonstrators in the streets of the St. Louis suburb.
The federal officials said the probe will look not only at Ferguson but also at other police departments in St. Louis County. Some, like Ferguson, are predominantly white departments serving majority-African-American communities, and at least one department invited the Justice Department to look at its practices. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the pending inquiry.
This situation is so out of control, I can’t even comprehend it anymore. My mind is officially blown. It is now a known fact that Mike Brown had just robbed a convenient store and attacked the cop, giving him injuries that required hospitalization, and yet they are continuing on with this narrative that Hero Darren just drove up and shot him for no reason.
It is the craziest thing I have ever been exposed to in my life.
Look at the way they are posing:
They just keep going with it. It doesn’t matter to these people that the Brown rap gangster was killed in an obvious act of self-defense. They just go on with this fantasy story. It is truly nauseating that the larger whole of White America is continuing to entertain these unhinged apes.