Daily Stormer
June 19, 2014

Citing a report in local paper Brabants Dagblad, English-language news site DutchNews.nl writes that there are currently plans in the city of Tilburg to build a gays-only neighborhood, which is being touted as a safe space for LGBT individuals to live. Dutch real estate developer Blauwhoed is said to be behind the idea.
According to Dutch news site NLTimes.nl, there has recently been “a rise in violence and oppression” against members of the LGBT community in the Netherlands.
Last year, the country’s Central Bureau for Statistics released a report stating that 30 percent of lesbians and 22 percent of gay men felt “unsafe in their own neighborhood” in 2012. The same report said that homosexuals were “more often victims of crime” than bisexual and heterosexual individuals.
The mayor of Tilburg, Peter Noordanus, has welcomed the idea of a gays-only village, according to DutchNews.nl.
I support this.
They can call it “Sodom.”