Hollande Now the Most Unpopular President in French History – 4%!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 5, 2016


Yo yo yo, bitches gettin lit out der.

I remember when he was super-popular and having a public affair.

The French were just like “daayym, dat nigga tite af.”

But it turns out, people don’t really like being flooded with Moslems and Africans, and the especially don’t like it when you allow these invaders to set up base camps across the country and use them to attack people.

So now the French are all like “yo dawg, dat shit ain’t cool brah.”

Daily Mail:

French president Francois Hollande has become the most unpopular president since records began, a new poll has revealed.

Mr Hollande’s personal approval rating has plunged to just four per cent – the lowest ever since the first president was elected in 1848.

He is even more unpopular that President Charles de Gaulle was in 1968, when millions of French protested to demand a complete overhaul of French society.


I wish we could get approval ratings that low!

I guess there are upsides to the downsides of hate-filled French society!


Upsides other than great snacks!

It’s a shame Le Pen screwed-up so, so badly.

Destiny was on her side, but she cucked out. Now the Jew Sarkozy is out-fascisting her.

And the Jew is probably going to win.

But to my French readers: I have endorsed Le Pen, and I believe you should vote Le Pen.

She is going to push Frexit, which the Jew isn’t doing. Frexit is the only real issue. The most important by far.

She also isn’t Jewish – even though women in power behave basically exactly as Jews would behave.