Sven Longshanks and Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2014

Speaking at a panel discussion recently, Daniele Watts, the ugly Black sow from the Jew’s stables at Hollywood who was caught copulating in public with a White degenerate, used every race card in the deck to try to excuse her anti-social behavior.
She started off with blaming White society for her actions, despite the fact that she relies upon it for everything in her life, then moved on to calling upon the ghost of the cigar-stealing ogre Michael Brown, who was killed by hero Cop Darren Wilson.
Using the ogre’s supernatural powers to dim the reasoning abilities of those listening to her, she then claimed it was because she had seen her father arrested by a White policeman when she was just 16.
Finally she came up with that reliable old chestnut of hoping that her actions would ‘lead to a broader societal conversation about race.’

The Negress had been detained by an LAPD Sargent, Jim Parker, following complaints about people engaging in lewd acts in public. She refused to give identification, and then started crying and talking about racism against her. Though she was dismissed without charges at the time, two weeks ago the department decided to charge her with misdemeanor lewd conduct. She then stated she was “appalled” by the charges, even though she now admits to engaging in the act.
She has been attacked by other Blacks for “crying wolf” on racism, though clearly the entire racism industry is based on crying wolf, so they are just condemning her for getting caught.