Holocaust Denier Frederick Toben Backs George Brandis’ Plans for Discrimination Law

Brett Light
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2014

Frederick Toben - Truth Teller
Frederick Toben

Australian Holo-denier Fredrick Toben has come out in support of the Abbott government’s plans to lower the intensity level of the “race hate” laws, noting that the plan is a challenge to Jewish supremicism down under.

From the Sydney Morning Herald:

In an explosive submission to Attorney-General George Brandis’ review of the Racial Discrimination Act, obtained by Fairfax Media, Mr Toben congratulated the government for its attempt to rectify what he describes as a “flawed law, which only benefits Jewish-Zionist-Israeli interests”.His comments drew immediate anger in the Jewish community, which has warned that the government’s plans for Section 18C of the act will open the door to “vilification on a massive scale”.

Mr Toben said Senator Brandis – who famously defended people’s “right to be a bigot” – had incorrectly claimed the need for reform of the Racial Discrimination Act was about free speech and the conviction of News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt under 18C.

“The essence of what the RDA Section 18C is all about and why it needs to be repealed is that the so-called ‘Bolt law’ is in effect a ‘Holocaust’ protection law,” Mr Toben wrote.

“The ‘Bolt law’ case was used in an attempt to hide this Holocaust matter and to make it a free expression issue. The trap set for the multiculturalists in Australia by Jewish interests, who designed Section 18C, is that the sole aim of this section has always been to legally protect … the Holocaust-Shoah narrative.”

Senator Brandis distanced the government from Mr Toben’s support on Tuesday, describing him as a “nutter”.

“I’ve never read anything that Mr Toben has said but I’m aware of his views from press reports and views I’ve heard attributed to Mr Toben are absolute rubbish,” he said.

“I don’t agree with Mr Toben but I do agree with President Barack Obama who said last week in relation to the Donald Sterling case: ‘when people, when ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t have to do anything, you just let them talk’.”

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, the Australia-Israel and Jewish Affairs Council, and the Zionist Federation condemned Mr Toben but said it was the government’s proposal that would allow him to freely peddle his views.

Mr Toben, a German-born Australian, was found to be in breach of discrimination laws in 2003. He went to jail in 2009 for defying Federal Court orders to remove material from his website that claimed there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz, and describing the murder of millions of Jews during World War II as the “Holocaust myth”.

It’s no surprise the Jews are flipping out. Jews always get a bit touchy when the truth is involved!

Why is it that organized Jewish groups don’t simply allow Frederick to express his “ignorance” openly and publicly? After all, anyone who doubts the officially sanctioned Holocaust story is clearly a nutter, right?

It is illegal in 16 European countries to question the official Holocaust story! I wonder why? The truth is that the Jews don’t want questions being asked because all they have to back up their story is lying “eye-witnesses” and the obligatory emotional banter.

If you investigate the Holocaust story honestly and objectively you’ll find no actual substance whatsoever supporting the official version of events. It is a big Jewish fairytale about what innocent victims they always are, meanwhile these same people are running all the banks, mass-media, governments, and education systems throughout the ‘West.’

Truth does not fear investigation, nor does it require force of law to uphold it! Lies do, and that’s exactly what the Holocaust is!

Don’t be scared to think for yourself!