Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2014

Two prominent Jew Holohoaxers occupying Germany have joined a collective of mostly Jew “artists” and “human rights activists” to demand that Germany be flooded with primitive savages from Syria.
From Haaretz:
Inge Lammel, a 90-year-old musicologist who survived the Holocaust by moving to Great Britain as a child. Kurt Gutmann, 87, survived the war when he was sent to Scotland as a child, he returned to Germany at the end of the war as an Allied soldier.
Lammel and Gutmann joined activists of the Center for Political Beauty and visited the German chancellery on Friday to appeal for the German government to allow more refugees into the country, Deutsche Welle reported.
“The only reason we survived is because we were able to leave Nazi Germany,” Lammel told Deutsche Welle. “In this way we could escape the fate of our parents, who died in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.”
Germany had already vowed to take in 10,000 Syrian asylum seekers, but the group, says this is not enough, since more than 70,000 Syrians applied for asylum.
“We would like to see Germany take in 75,000 Syrian refugees,” Gutmann said. “A rich country like ours should learn from the past and make the decision to take these people in.“
“Country like ours,” Jew? Germany is your country? No, Jew, your country is called “Israel.” Maybe you should call on Israel to import tens of thousands of primitives?

I would also wonder why these Jew hoaxers don’t simply call on the German government to demand that Obama regime stop funding terrorists to overthrow the Assad government? If this doesn’t work, they could then call on Merkel to send funds and weapons to help Assad keep his country together. That would be logical, right? If you are concerned about the Syrian people, you should try and keep their country from being destroyed.
But no – the Jew wants Assad destroyed, then they want to have the refuse left from this destruction used to further destroy Germany.

Two goyim birds taken out with one hook-nosed stone.
The Jewish parasite still believes that it can make the German people do anything it wants them to do by crying “muh holocaust, muh gas chambers, goyim!” But these days are quickly coming to an end. The more they scream “gas chambers, six million,” the lesser the emotional effect, and the closer people come to questioning the basis of the entire myth.